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The Rise of the Midday Shower

You know, there’s been quite the debate raging on about the best time to shower. In one corner, we have the night owls, those who swear by the late-night rinse to wash away the day’s grime before bed. In the other, the morning shower enthusiasts, who need that energizing start to the day. Well, after much deliberation, I’m here to tell you that both sides have been missing the mark. The true champion of shower times? The midday shower.

It all started at the beginning of the pandemic, when I, like so many others, found myself working from home. I dutifully followed all the WFH tips – wake up as if I was heading to the office, get dressed, and yes, even shower before the workday began. But then, one fateful day, a 9 am meeting popped up on my calendar. I had some pressing work to do beforehand, which meant no time for that morning rinse. And you know what? The world didn’t end.

In fact, quite the opposite happened. That midday shower turned out to be a revelation. It broke up the monotony of the day, which had started to bleed together during those endless WFH weeks. But more than that, it was invigorating – a true jolt to the senses that left me feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the rest of my tasks. [1]

The Benefits of Midday Showers

You see, there’s just something magical about stepping into the shower in the middle of the day. It’s like a shot of espresso, but without any of the sleep-disrupting side effects. That warm water cascading over you doesn’t just cleanse your body; it also seems to clear your mind, allowing you to tackle problems with newfound clarity and focus.

And let’s not forget the mood-boosting benefits. Studies have shown that exposing your body to cooler temperatures in the morning can increase alertness and energy levels by stimulating the nervous system. [7] But what about those of us who aren’t necessarily morning people? Well, that’s where the midday shower comes in. The sudden change in temperature and the invigorating scents of essential oils can provide that same jolt of energy and positivity, helping you power through the afternoon slump.

In fact, I’d argue that the midday shower is the secret weapon of the most productive people. Instead of reaching for that third cup of coffee, they’re stepping into the shower, letting the water and the aromatherapy work their magic. And the results speak for themselves – no more 3 pm brain fog, just a clear head and a spring in their step. [1]

Creating Your Ideal Midday Shower Experience

Of course, not all showers are created equal. To really maximize the benefits, you need to put a bit of thought into your midday ritual. Start with the temperature – aim for something slightly cooler than your usual, as that’s what’s going to get your senses firing on all cylinders. [7]

Then, consider adding in some aromatherapy. Scents like eucalyptus, peppermint, and lemongrass are known for their energizing and invigorating properties. [4] You can achieve this by using essential oil-infused shower steamers or by incorporating some drops of your favorite oils directly into the water stream. [7]

And don’t forget about those all-important shower stretches. A few simple movements can help you shake off any lingering morning sluggishness and get your body moving. [7] It’s the perfect way to transition from the sedentary work portion of your day into the rest of your afternoon.

So next time you find yourself hitting that midday slump, don’t reach for the coffee. Instead, head to the shower and let the water, the scents, and the movement work their magic. I guarantee you’ll emerge feeling refreshed, focused, and ready to conquer the rest of your day.


In the grand debate of shower timings, I think it’s safe to say that the midday shower has emerged victorious. Not only does it provide a much-needed break from the monotony of WFH life, but it also offers a host of physical and mental benefits that can help you power through the afternoon.

So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and treat yourself to a midday shower – your senses (and your productivity) will thank you.


[1] Weatherford, A. (2020, May 6). When is the best time to shower? ITG.

[2] Earthly Elixirs. (n.d.). Variety Pack Shower Steamers. Earthly Elixirs.

[3] Hai. (n.d.). How a Morning Shower Can Boost Your Mood. Get Hai.

[4] Ashbury Bloom. (n.d.). Wake Up Shower Steamers. Ashbury Bloom.

[5] Moderly. (n.d.). Jumbo Shower Steamers. Moderly.

[6] Pure Life Biotics. (n.d.). Symphony of Sunrise Grapefruit Rejuvenating Shower Steamers. Pure Life Biotics.

[7] Technology4Good. (2020, August 17). Wake Up Focused: 5 Morning Rituals to Start Your Workday Right. Medium.

[8] Dapper and Groomed. (n.d.). My Daily Skincare Routine with Duke Cannon Skincare for Men (Full Review). Dapper and Groomed.

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