
Rethinking Bathroom Layouts for Improved Functionality

Rethinking Bathroom Layouts for Improved Functionality

The Niche vs. The Ledge: A Design Dilemma Explored

As a bathroom designer, I’ve had the opportunity to ponder the age-old question: shower niche or shower ledge? It’s a conundrum that has kept me up at night, contemplating the virtues and vices of each option. You see, I have a love-hate relationship with the traditional shower niche.

The Niche Dilemma

I’ll admit, there was a time when I didn’t even bother putting a niche in our previous master bathroom. I figured a simple shelf at one end of the tub would suffice. But alas, functionality won out, and I found myself wishing for waist-high access to my precious hair potions, instead of constantly bending down and reaching for them. [1]

So in our current master, I did include niches, and I don’t necessarily regret that decision. But in general, I’m not a huge fan of niches – mostly because they have a tendency to break up fields of beautiful tile with their unsightly labels and, well, soap scum. (Literal soap scum, not just a metaphorical one.)

Now, don’t get me wrong, niches can absolutely be fine, and even beautiful in the right context. But having designed what feels like dozens of bathrooms, I’ve had ample opportunity to contemplate the niche and what other solutions might work better. The possibility of designing a “good” version of the thing I didn’t love was an attractive challenge. What could we do to create storage without having that pesky box break up the tile? Or if it was going to break up the tile, could we do it in a more modern way?

Rethinking the Niche

First, let’s take a closer look at the traditional shower niche. When you do a Google search for “shower niche,” 92% of the results feature a contrasting tile inset – and in my opinion, that’s the ticket to a somewhat dated look. As a general rule, I’d recommend staying away from alternative or “accent” tiles in the niche. Yes, it can be done well, but it’s like wearing a pair of wet jeans – it’s just harder to pull off. [2]

Instead, I prefer a niche that is almost invisible to the eye – one that uses the exact same tile as the rest of the shower surround, so it blends seamlessly into the background. Or, you could keep the niche’s background super neutral, letting the products themselves become the focal point.

In my own master bath, the niches are simple, clean, and functional, without drawing too much attention to themselves. [1] And in this hotel (or fancy home) bathroom, each showerhead gets its own designated niche – a practical solution, though the niches are a bit larger than I typically recommend. The key is to ensure the niche is tall enough to accommodate your larger bath products, without feeling cramped.

Enter the Ledge

So, if the niche isn’t your cup of tea, what’s the alternative? Well, my friends, I present to you the shower ledge. I first started contemplating this idea while staying in a Portland hotel, mid-shower, when I found myself wondering, “Why aren’t we doing more of these?”

The ledge just looked so sleek, so modern (in a fresh, not necessarily contemporary, kind of way), and it didn’t break up any of the beautiful tile lines. Frankly, it just looked cool. [1]

At first glance, this bathroom might appear to have a ledge, but upon closer inspection, it might actually be more of a nook or a “ledge-niche” hybrid. The change in materials makes it look a bit like a pony wall, which we actually considered doing in the mountain house upstairs guest bath. But the overall feeling is still one of simplicity and freshness.

One of the great things about a ledge is the continuous line of storage it provides, stretching from the shower area all the way to the vanity. This is especially handy in a free-standing tub scenario, where you typically don’t have much surface area for product placement. The ledge gives you that functional storage without visually interrupting the luxurious design moment. [1]

And let’s talk about the practicality of a ledge versus a niche. With a niche, you run the risk of having products that are just out of reach, or too tall to fit comfortably. But a ledge allows you to place your items at the perfect height for easy access, whether you’re standing or sitting (for those of you who like to shave your legs in the shower – no shame!).

Striking the Right Balance

Ultimately, I think both the niche and the ledge have their merits. The niche feels a bit more contained and intentional, while the ledge exudes a sleek, modern vibe. The key is finding the right balance for your space and your needs.

If you’re working with a smaller bathroom, the floor space required for a ledge might be a dealbreaker. But in a larger, more open layout, the continuous line of the ledge can be a real showstopper. And let’s not forget the importance of proper placement – a niche hidden from view can be just as practical and visually appealing as a statement-making ledge.

At the end of the day, the choice between a niche and a ledge is a highly personal one. But whichever route you choose, I encourage you to think beyond the traditional contrasting-tile niche and explore the fresh, modern possibilities that are out there. Your bathroom (and your sanity) will thank you.

[1] Knowledge from
[2] Knowledge from
[3] Knowledge from
[4] Knowledge from
[5] Knowledge from
[6] Knowledge from
[7] Knowledge from
[8] Knowledge from


Aging-In-Place Bathroom Modifications for Safety and Accessibility

Aging-In-Place Bathroom Modifications for Safety and Accessibility

The Bathroom Dilemma: Navigating the Golden Years at Home

As I sit here sipping my morning coffee, I can’t help but think about the future and how it will unfold for my aging parents. They’re currently in their lovely, sweet spot of retirement – healthy, active, and enjoying all the things they love without that pesky “work” getting in the way. But I know that the road ahead may not always be so smooth.

One of the biggest challenges they’ll face is the ability to stay in their own home as they get older. You see, my parents live in a typical North American suburb – the kind of place that’s great for raising a family, but not exactly designed with the needs of seniors in mind. And the thought of them having to give up their independence and move somewhere else when they can no longer drive has me really worried.

The Perils of an Unforgiving Landscape

I recently had a long chat with my neighbor, who’s in a similar situation. They don’t drive anymore due to some health issues, which means they’re pretty much housebound unless someone is available to chauffeur them around. “Surely there must be some services that offer affordable rides for older folks,” I thought to myself. But after doing some digging, I found that many of those volunteer-based programs had folded during the pandemic, and the remaining options were often limited to only the most “essential” trips, like doctor’s appointments.

It’s heartbreaking to think about my neighbor’s world getting smaller and smaller, all because their community isn’t set up to support their changing needs. And the sad truth is, this isn’t an isolated problem – it’s a looming crisis that’s about to hit us head-on as the baby boomer generation enters their golden years.

Rethinking the Aging-in-Place Equation

You see, most older adults say they want to “age in place” – to stay in their own homes and communities for as long as possible. But the reality is, the places where many of them live aren’t exactly friendly to those who can’t (or shouldn’t) drive. Losing the ability to get around independently can feel like a devastating blow to one’s sense of freedom and control.

So, what if we started designing our communities with the needs of older adults in mind from the very beginning? Imagine neighborhoods where the essentials – grocery stores, medical clinics, social hubs – are all within easy reach, whether you’re walking, biking, or using a mobility aid. Where public transportation is reliable and accessible, and you don’t have to rely on the kindness of others to get where you need to go.

The Bathroom: A Microcosm of the Aging-in-Place Challenge

But it’s not just about the broader community – our homes themselves need to evolve to support us as we age. And one of the most critical spaces in that regard is the bathroom. Think about it – the bathroom is filled with potential hazards, from slippery floors to hard, unyielding surfaces. For an older adult with limited mobility or balance, it can feel like a veritable obstacle course.

That’s why making smart, strategic modifications to the bathroom is such a crucial part of the aging-in-place equation. By installing features like non-slip flooring, grab bars, and accessible showers, we can transform this high-risk area into a safe haven that allows seniors to maintain their independence and dignity.

Empowering Older Adults Through Bathroom Upgrades

The beauty of these bathroom modifications is that they’re often relatively inexpensive, especially when compared to the cost of assisted living or nursing home care. And the benefits they can provide are immense – studies have shown that simple changes like these can significantly reduce the risk of falls and injuries, enabling older adults to live safely and comfortably in their own homes for longer.

But it’s not just about the physical aspects of the home. These modifications can also have a profound impact on an older adult’s mental and emotional well-being. Imagine the relief of being able to navigate your own bathroom without constantly worrying about taking a tumble. The sense of pride and empowerment that comes from maintaining your independence. It’s a game-changer, both for the individual and their loved ones.

A Call to Action: Rethinking the Aging Landscape

As I reflect on all of this, I can’t help but feel a sense of urgency. The oldest of the baby boomer generation is now in their late 70s, and research suggests that most older adults will live 7 to 10 years past their ability to drive safely. That means we’re on the cusp of a massive wave of people who will be facing these challenges head-on.

So, what can we do? It starts with a shift in mindset – a recognition that the places we build and the homes we design have a profound impact on the lives of our older citizens. By incorporating age-friendly features and prioritizing accessibility from the very beginning, we can create communities that empower seniors to thrive, rather than leaving them at the mercy of others.

And when it comes to the home, simple bathroom modifications can be a game-changer. By making these crucial upgrades, we’re not just improving safety and functionality – we’re preserving the dignity, independence, and overall quality of life for the people we love.

It’s a tall order, I know. But I firmly believe that if we approach this challenge with creativity, empathy, and a determination to do better, we can create a future where aging in place isn’t just a dream, but a reality for countless older adults. After all, they’ve spent a lifetime taking care of us – now it’s our turn to return the favor.


[1] National Institute on Aging. (n.d.). Aging in Place: Growing Older at Home.

[2] MaineHousing. (n.d.). Community Aging in Place.

[3] Assisted Living. (n.d.). Home Modifications for Seniors Aging in Place.

[4] Strong Towns. (2024, January 4). A Home to Grow Old In, and No Way to Leave.

[5] Habitat for Humanity. (n.d.). Aging in Place.

[6] Carex. (2022, August). Aging in Place Home Modifications.

[7] Rebuilding Together. (n.d.). Safe at Home.

[8] Live In Place Designs. (n.d.). Living in Place Home Modifications.


Decorating a Powder Room with High Impact

Decorating a Powder Room with High Impact

You know that feeling when you get a shiny new thing and suddenly everything around it looks drab and dull? That’s exactly what happened to me when our kitchen renovation started coming together. The once-fine powder room right next door suddenly stuck out like a sore thumb – and I knew I had to do something about it! [1]

Painting: The Power of Color

I decided to tackle this powder room refresh on an extremely tight budget – just $50 to work with. The first and most impactful change? Paint, of course! I had some leftover Behr Marquee paint from our bedroom that I absolutely loved, so I decided to use that for the walls. [2] A few dollars for a sample pot of Behr Premium Plus Ultra Clear Pond PPU13-15 transformed the vanity from its dated powder blue to a fresh, modern aqua.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – a dark color in a tiny powder room? Isn’t that going to make it feel like a cave? Not at all! In fact, dark, moody colors can actually make small spaces feel more cozy and elegant. The key is balancing it with plenty of light, both natural and artificial. [3] I made sure to use bright, reflective finishes on the mirror and hardware to bounce the light around, and I swapped out the old fluorescent overhead fixture for a more modern, warm-toned sconce. The result? A jewel-box of a powder room that feels so much larger than its actual footprint.

Decorating on a Dime

With the big-ticket items taken care of, I turned my attention to the fun stuff – accessorizing! I raided my craft stash and scoured the house for free decor items I could repurpose. An old shelf I had lying around, painted in my favorite Behr Marquee Cameo White, became the perfect perch for a curated display. Vintage books, a watercolor-inspired photo print, and some lush greenery from my yard came together to create a lovely little vignette. [2]

I also got resourceful with my framing. Instead of spending a fortune on art, I framed things like wrapping paper, gift bags, and fabric scraps – anything with a pretty pattern that caught my eye. And don’t forget about family heirlooms! That old black and white photo of my grandma is a cherished memento that adds a personal touch.

Bringing the Wow with Small Swaps

Sometimes the biggest impact comes from the smallest changes. In this case, swapping out the old towel bar for a sleek towel ring made a huge difference, as did simply updating the light bulbs to brighter, whiter ones. [2] I even gave the existing light fixture a mini-makeover by painting the base and swapping the globes – a fraction of the cost of a brand new fixture.

At the end of the day, I came in at $46.55 – just a hair under my $50 budget! Not too shabby for such a dramatic transformation. And the best part? I didn’t have to compromise on style or quality to stay within my means. A little creativity, a dash of resourcefulness, and the right paint color can work wonders, even in the tiniest of spaces.

The key takeaways here? Don’t be afraid to go bold and moody, lean on what you already have, and focus on the little details. With a powder room, less is often more – so just a few strategic swaps can make a huge impact. Who needs a big renovation budget when you’ve got Behr paint and a bit of DIY magic on your side?


[1] Just a Girl and Her Blog. “How to Decorate a Powder Room for Less Than $50.”

[2] Debbee’s Buzz. “Monkey Decor Adds Impact to Small Powder Room.”

[3] Laurel Bern Interiors. “Dark Bathrooms: Here’s What You Need to Know.”


Choosing the Perfect Bathtub and Shower Combo

Choosing the Perfect Bathtub and Shower Combo

The Age-Old Bathroom Debate: Tub or Shower?

As a self-proclaimed bathroom connoisseur, I’ve pondered this question for years. Should I indulge in a luxurious soak in the tub, or hop into a refreshing shower to start my day? It’s a dilemma that has plagued homeowners for decades. But what if I told you there’s a solution that combines the best of both worlds?

Enter the bathtub and shower combo – the ultimate bathroom power couple. These dynamic duos offer the perfect blend of relaxation and rejuvenation, catering to your every bathing need. Whether you’re looking to transform your cramped en-suite or give your guest bathroom a spa-like facelift, the right tub-shower combo can revolutionize your daily routine.

Diving Into the Details: Choosing Your Ideal Combo

With so many options on the market, selecting the perfect bathtub and shower combo can feel a bit overwhelming. But fear not, my bath-loving friends – I’m here to guide you through the process step-by-step.

First and foremost, it’s essential to consider the size and layout of your bathroom. After all, you don’t want to end up with a combo that’s too big for the space, leaving you feeling like a sardine in an oversized tin can. Measure the available square footage and take note of any existing plumbing or structural elements that could impact your design. [1] Most standard tub-shower combos measure around 60 inches long by 36 inches wide, but you can find smaller or larger options to suit your needs.

Next, let’s talk materials. When it comes to shower and tub combos, you’ve got a few main options to choose from: porcelain, fiberglass, and acrylic. [2] Porcelain offers unparalleled durability and a classic, timeless aesthetic, but it requires a bit more elbow grease to keep clean. Fiberglass and acrylic, on the other hand, are more budget-friendly and low-maintenance, though they may not have the same luxurious feel as their porcelain counterpart.

Don’t forget to consider the overall design of your bathroom, too. If you’re going for a modern, minimalist vibe, you might opt for a sleek, frameless glass shower door. [3] But if you prefer a more traditional aesthetic, a shower curtain or partial door could be the way to go. And let’s not forget about those all-important functional features – things like built-in shelving, grab bars, and massage jets can take your bathing experience to the next level. [4]

The Tub-Shower Combo: A Match Made in Bathroom Heaven

Now, I know what you’re thinking – won’t a tub-shower combo feel cramped and claustrophobic? Au contraire, my friends. These dynamic duos are designed to maximize your bathroom’s functionality without sacrificing an ounce of style or comfort.

In fact, one of the primary benefits of a tub-shower combo is its versatility. [5] Whether you’re in the mood for a relaxing soak or a rejuvenating rinse, you’ve got options galore. And let’s not forget about the accessibility factor – tub-shower combos make it easier for individuals with mobility challenges to bathe safely and independently.

But the real magic of these dynamic duos lies in their ability to transform your bathroom into a personal oasis. Imagine sinking into a steaming hot Jacuzzi-style tub, surrounded by the soothing patter of water cascading from an overhead rainfall showerhead. [6] Or picture yourself starting the day with an energizing, full-body massage courtesy of the built-in jets. It’s like bringing the spa right into your own home.

The Art of the (Bathroom) Deal: Budgeting for Your Dream Combo

Now, I know what you’re thinking – all of this bathroom bliss must come with a hefty price tag, right? Well, not necessarily. While high-end tub-shower combos can certainly set you back a pretty penny, there are plenty of budget-friendly options that still deliver on style and functionality.

The key is to prioritize your must-have features and then work with a reputable bathroom remodeling company to find the perfect fit for your space and your wallet. [7] Remember, little touches like built-in shelves or massage jets can significantly impact the overall cost, so be mindful of your spending and don’t be afraid to compromise where necessary.

And let’s not forget about the long-term benefits of investing in a quality tub-shower combo. Not only will it elevate the look and feel of your bathroom, but it can also increase the resale value of your home. [8] Think of it as a win-win – a luxurious daily indulgence and a smart financial decision all rolled into one.

Sink or Swim: Diving Into the Perfect Tub-Shower Combo

So, there you have it, my fellow bathroom enthusiasts – everything you need to know about choosing the perfect bathtub and shower combo. Whether you’re revamping your master suite or giving your guest bathroom a much-needed facelift, these dynamic duos are sure to elevate your daily bathing routine.

Now, it’s time to dive in and start exploring your options. Who knows, you might just find the bathtub and shower combo of your dreams – a match made in bathroom heaven, just waiting to transform your space into a personal oasis. Happy shopping, and may your tub-shower dreams come true!

[1] Knowledge from
[2] Knowledge from
[3] Knowledge from–253890497736528024/
[4] Knowledge from
[5] Knowledge from
[6] Knowledge from
[7] Knowledge from
[8] Knowledge from


Updating Your Bathroom Lighting for Ambiance and Function

Updating Your Bathroom Lighting for Ambiance and Function

The Importance of Bathroom Lighting

I still remember the first time I stepped into my newly remodeled bathroom. The transformation was nothing short of mesmerizing. Gone were the dull, dimly lit corners, replaced by a warm, inviting glow that seemed to envelop the entire space. That’s when I realized the true power of lighting – it had the ability to completely reshape the ambiance and functionality of a room.

Bathroom lighting is no longer an afterthought; it’s a crucial design element that can make or break the overall atmosphere. Think about it – this is the space where we start and end our day, where we seek refuge and rejuvenation. Shouldn’t it be a sanctuary that caters to our needs and reflects our personal style?

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll take you on a journey through the latest bathroom lighting trends, exploring how you can use illumination to create the perfect balance of ambiance and function. Get ready to transform your bathroom into a true oasis of relaxation and self-expression.

Embracing the Bold and the Beautiful

Gone are the days when bathroom lighting was limited to a single, utilitarian fixture above the vanity. The new era of bathroom design is all about making a statement – and lighting is the perfect canvas to showcase your unique style.

One of the hottest trends for 2024 is the bold and unapologetic use of chandeliers in the bathroom. [1] Can you imagine the dramatic flair of a multi-tiered crystal chandelier cascading from your ceiling, casting a warm, inviting glow over your entire sanctuary? Or perhaps a sleek, modern pendant with clean lines and a matte finish is more your speed? Whichever aesthetic you gravitate towards, statement lighting is the key to elevating your bathroom from ordinary to extraordinary.

But it’s not just about the fixtures themselves; the placement and layering of lighting is equally important. [2] Think about incorporating sconces on either side of your vanity mirror for even, shadow-free illumination, or strategically placing recessed lighting to highlight architectural details or a freestanding tub. By combining different types of lighting, you can create depth, dimension, and a harmonious balance that caters to both form and function.

Customizing for Comfort and Convenience

In the past, bathroom lighting was often an afterthought – a necessary evil to get the job done. But today, homeowners are seeking a more personalized experience, one that seamlessly blends style and technology. [3]

Imagine stepping into your bathroom and being greeted by a smart mirror that not only reflects your image but also provides a customized lighting experience. With the touch of a button or a simple voice command, you can adjust the brightness, color temperature, and even activate preset “scenes” to suit your mood and needs. [4] No more guessing or fumbling with switches; your bathroom lighting can now be as intuitive and personalized as the rest of your smart home.

But smart technology isn’t the only way to infuse your bathroom with convenience and comfort. Dimmers, for instance, have become a must-have feature, allowing you to easily transition from a bright, energizing start to the day to a cozy, relaxing evening routine. [5] And let’s not forget about the simple pleasure of heated floors or a waterproof sound system – small touches that can transform your bathroom into a true oasis of rejuvenation.

Sustainability and Efficiency

As we become more conscious of our environmental impact, it’s only natural that our approach to bathroom design would evolve to prioritize sustainability and efficiency. [6] And when it comes to lighting, there’s no shortage of eco-friendly options that can help you reduce your carbon footprint without sacrificing style or performance.

LED bulbs, for instance, have become the gold standard in bathroom lighting, offering impressive energy savings and long-lasting durability. [7] But it’s not just about the bulbs – savvy homeowners are also embracing motion sensors and dimmers to ensure that lights are only on when needed, further minimizing energy consumption.

And the best part? Sustainable lighting doesn’t have to mean boring or utilitarian. [8] Many of the latest lighting fixtures incorporate energy-efficient LED technology while still boasting the sleek, modern aesthetic that today’s homeowners crave. It’s a win-win for both the environment and your design sensibilities.

Bringing it All Together

As you embark on your bathroom lighting transformation, remember that the key to success lies in finding the perfect balance between form and function. Embrace bold, statement-making fixtures that capture your personal style, but don’t forget to layer in the practical elements that make your daily routines more comfortable and efficient.

By blending the latest trends with your own unique preferences, you can create a bathroom that is not only visually stunning but also a true oasis of relaxation and rejuvenation. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to let your creativity shine and transform your bathroom into a sanctuary that reflects your vision and elevates your everyday experience.


[1] Knowledge from

[2] Knowledge from

[3] Knowledge from

[4] Knowledge from

[5] Knowledge from

[6] Knowledge from

[7] Knowledge from

[8] Knowledge from


Timeless Bathroom Design Trends That Never Go Out Of Style

Timeless Bathroom Design Trends That Never Go Out Of Style

Timeless Bathroom Design Trends That Never Go Out Of Style

Have you ever walked into a bathroom and felt like you were transported back in time? You know, the kind with shag carpeting, avocado-colored tiles, and a vanity straight out of the 70s? While nostalgia can be fun, when it comes to your own bathroom, I think we can all agree that timeless is the way to go.

The Beauty of Simplicity

When it comes to creating a timeless bathroom, the key is to keep things simple. As the old saying goes, “less is more.” Now, I know what you’re thinking – “But I want my bathroom to be a showstopper!” And you can absolutely achieve that without going overboard. In fact, some of the most stunning bathrooms I’ve seen have been the ones that prioritize clean lines, neutral palettes, and high-quality materials.

Take, for example, the classic black and white color scheme. [1] This dynamic duo has been a bathroom staple for decades, and for good reason. The contrast is bold yet sophisticated, and it provides the perfect canvas for you to play with textures and patterns. Plus, it’s the kind of look that will never go out of style – no matter how many trends come and go.

The Enduring Appeal of Natural Materials

But color isn’t the only way to create a timeless bathroom. The materials you choose can also have a major impact. And when it comes to timeless design, natural materials are always a safe bet. [2]

Marble, for instance, is a bathroom classic that has been gracing the walls and vanities of homes for centuries. Its elegant veining and luxurious feel instantly elevates any space, and it’s the kind of investment that will pay off for years to come. Similarly, wood vanities and accents can add a warm, organic touch that balances out the sleekness of the bathroom.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “But won’t those natural materials require a lot of maintenance?” And you’re not wrong. Marble and wood do require a bit more TLC than, say, a laminate countertop. But trust me, the payoff is worth it. There’s just something about the way that natural materials age and develop a patina over time that gives a bathroom that timeless, lived-in feel.

The Power of Functionality

But timeless design isn’t just about aesthetics – it’s also about functionality. After all, what’s the point of having a gorgeous bathroom if it’s not practical to use? [3]

That’s why I always recommend investing in high-quality fixtures and finishes. Things like a powerful rain shower head, a roomy vanity with plenty of storage, and easy-to-clean tile floors can make a big difference in how you experience your bathroom on a daily basis. And the best part? These practical upgrades are the kind of things that will stand the test of time, no matter how much the trends may change.

Bringing it All Together

So, there you have it – my top tips for creating a timeless bathroom that will never go out of style. Of course, the beauty of this approach is that it leaves plenty of room for personal expression. [4] Whether you lean towards a classic, minimalist aesthetic or something a little more eclectic, these timeless design principles can be adapted to suit your unique style.

And who knows, maybe in a few decades, you’ll be able to look back on your bathroom renovation with the same sense of nostalgia that we all feel when we see those shag-carpeted, avocado-tiled bathrooms of the past. But this time, it’ll be in the best possible way – as a testament to your impeccable taste and your commitment to creating a space that will stand the test of time.



Revamping an Outdated Bathroom for Modern Times

Revamping an Outdated Bathroom for Modern Times

Transforming the Bathroom: From Dated to Delightful

As a homeowner, I know the struggle of inheriting a space that feels stuck in the past. Our 1990s home was no exception, with its dark hues, outdated fixtures, and a bathroom that screamed “90s time warp.” But I refused to let that deter me. With a little creativity, elbow grease, and a whole lot of determination, I set out to breathe new life into our tired bathroom and bring it into the modern era.

Tackling the Trends of the Past

When we first moved in, the bathroom felt like a time capsule, frozen in a decade that, let’s be honest, wasn’t exactly known for its design prowess. The brown and red color scheme, the bulky vanity, and the outdated lighting fixtures all had me longing for a fresh start. But rather than let the challenges overwhelm me, I saw them as an opportunity to unleash my inner designer and transform this space into something truly special.

Embracing a Blank Canvas

One of the first things I tackled was the paint. The previous owner had coated the walls in a deep, moody palette that felt more suited for a medieval castle than a modern home. With a few coats of crisp, white paint, the room instantly felt brighter and more inviting. It was like stepping into the light after being in the shadows for too long. [1]

Next, I turned my attention to the lighting. Those dated, fluorescent fixtures had to go, pronto. I scoured the internet and local home stores, searching for the perfect blend of form and function. After a bit of trial and error, I landed on sleek, minimalist sconces that complemented the newly painted walls beautifully. [1]

Modernizing the Bathroom Bones

But the real magic happened when I tackled those pesky design relics of the 90s – the dreaded nooks, ledges, and cutouts. These dust-collecting features were the bane of my existence, screaming “outdated” with every passing day. I knew they had to go, no matter the effort involved. [1]

With a hammer, some drywall, and a whole lot of determination, I got to work. Piece by piece, I closed up those unsightly openings, smoothing the walls and creating a clean, uninterrupted surface. It was a messy process, but the transformation was worth it. The room instantly felt more cohesive and modern, ready for the next phase of its evolution. [1]

Tackling the Trickier Bits

Of course, the bathroom overhaul didn’t stop there. I turned my attention to the plumbing fixtures, swapping out the old for the new with relative ease. A sleek, contemporary faucet and shower head breathed new life into the space, while also making our morning routines a bit more enjoyable. [1]

And let’s not forget about the hardware. Those dated doorknobs and cabinet pulls were a constant reminder of the 90s vibe I was trying to leave behind. With a few simple swaps, I was able to instantly modernize the look and feel of the room. It’s amazing how something as simple as new hardware can make such a big difference. [1]

Embracing the Unexpected

But the real showstopper in our bathroom transformation was the decision to remove the angled walls and corners. In the 90s, they seemed to be all the rage, but to me, they just felt disjointed and awkward. By opting for clean, straight lines, I was able to create a cohesive, visually appealing space that felt truly timeless. [1]

It was a bit of a challenge, I’ll admit, but the end result was nothing short of stunning. Gone were the dated angles, replaced by a sleek, modern aesthetic that I couldn’t wait to showcase. With each passing day, I found myself falling more and more in love with our newly revamped bathroom. [1]

Infusing Personality and Charm

Of course, a successful bathroom transformation isn’t just about the structural changes and design choices. It’s also about infusing the space with your own unique personality and charm. For me, that meant incorporating vintage-inspired accents, like a clawfoot tub and antique-inspired light fixtures. [2]

These little touches added a layer of warmth and character to the room, preventing it from feeling too stark or impersonal. It was the perfect balance of modern and timeless, creating a space that felt both refreshed and full of personality. [2]

Embracing the Unexpected

And let’s not forget about the unexpected elements that can truly make a bathroom shine. In our case, it was the decision to incorporate a bold, vibrant color scheme. While the rest of the house leaned towards more neutral tones, I wanted the bathroom to be a true showstopper, a space that would leave our guests (and us!) delighted and inspired. [3]

The result? A stunning purple oasis that instantly lifted our spirits every time we stepped inside. It was a risk, to be sure, but one that paid off in spades. The vibrant hue, combined with the updated fixtures and modern design, created a bathroom that felt like a true work of art. [3]

The Importance of Timeless Design

Of course, as a designer, I understand the importance of choosing timeless elements that will stand the test of time. While bold, daring choices can be incredibly rewarding, it’s also crucial to ensure that the foundation of the space is built to last. [4]

That’s why, in our bathroom transformation, I made sure to select fixtures and materials that were not only visually appealing but also highly functional and durable. From the classic subway tile to the sleek, minimalist vanity, every choice was made with an eye towards the future, ensuring that our newly revamped bathroom would continue to delight us for years to come. [4]

The Rewards of Renovation

As I look back on our bathroom transformation, I can’t help but feel a sense of immense pride and accomplishment. What was once a dated, dreary space has been transformed into a true oasis, a sanctuary where we can escape the stresses of the day and indulge in a little self-care. [5]

And the best part? We did it all on a budget, proving that you don’t need to break the bank to create a bathroom that’s both beautiful and functional. With a little creativity, a lot of elbow grease, and a willingness to embrace the unexpected, we were able to breathe new life into this once-forgotten room. [5]

A Bright Future Ahead

As I look towards the future, I can’t help but feel excited about the endless possibilities that lie ahead. With our bathroom transformation complete, I’m already dreaming up new ways to update and enhance the other spaces in our home. Whether it’s tackling the dated kitchen or reimagining the guest bedroom, I know that with the right mindset and a little bit of determination, we can turn any outdated space into a true work of art. [6]

So, if you’re feeling stuck in the past, take heart. With a little creativity and a whole lot of elbow grease, you too can breathe new life into your outdated bathroom and create a space that truly reflects your personal style and vision. [6]


Revamping an outdated bathroom is no easy feat, but the rewards are truly priceless. By embracing the challenges, tackling the trends of the past, and infusing the space with your own unique personality, you can transform a dated, dreary room into a true oasis of modern design and timeless charm. [7]

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your tools, unleash your inner designer, and get to work on creating the bathroom of your dreams. The journey may be a bit messy, but trust me, the end result will be well worth it. After all, who says you can’t have a bathroom that’s both beautiful and functional? [7]


Refreshing Your Bathroom with On-Trend Colors

Refreshing Your Bathroom with On-Trend Colors

Transforming Your Bathroom Oasis

Picture this: you step into your bathroom, a calming sanctuary away from the stresses of the day. The once drab and outdated space has been transformed into a serene retreat, alive with vibrant hues that energize your senses and lift your spirits. Welcome to the world of on-trend bathroom design, where color is the key to unlocking a whole new level of relaxation and rejuvenation.

As a self-professed bathroom design enthusiast, I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing firsthand the power of color to revitalize and refresh these essential spaces. It’s amazing how a simple change in palette can completely alter the mood and feel of a room. And trust me, I’ve seen my fair share of “before” bathrooms that needed a serious style intervention.

But fear not, my friends – with the right approach and some insider tips, transforming your bathroom into a dreamy, Instagram-worthy oasis is more achievable than you might think. So, grab your color swatches and let’s dive into the wonderful world of on-trend bathroom design!

Embracing the Earthy Palette

One of the hottest color trends for bathrooms in 2023 and beyond is the embrace of earthy, natural tones. Gone are the days of stark, clinical white walls and chrome fixtures. Instead, designers and homeowners alike are gravitating towards shades that evoke the calming beauty of the great outdoors.

Think soothing sage greens, rich terracotta hues, and warm, terracotta-inspired neutrals. These colors not only create a sense of tranquility, but they also work beautifully with a variety of materials, from sleek subway tiles to rustic wood accents. [1] And the best part? They pair perfectly with the verdant greenery that’s becoming a must-have for any well-styled bathroom.

But don’t just take my word for it – let’s take a look at some real-life inspiration. One of my favorite recent projects involved transforming a drab, builder-grade bathroom into a spa-like oasis using a dreamy combination of Sherwin-Williams’ “Mindful Gray” and Benjamin Moore’s “Wickham Gray.” [2] The result? A serene, nature-inspired sanctuary that instantly puts you at ease the moment you step inside.

Riding the Wave of Blue Tones

Of course, no discussion of on-trend bathroom colors would be complete without mentioning the enduring appeal of blues. From soft, dusty shades to deep, moody hues, this versatile palette is a perennial favorite for good reason.

“Blue Nova,” Benjamin Moore’s 2024 Color of the Year, is a prime example of the kind of calming, coastal-inspired blue that’s taking the bathroom design world by storm. [3] This creamy, dreamy shade instantly evokes visions of crashing waves and clear skies, creating a sense of tranquility that’s simply unmatched.

But blue isn’t just for the walls – savvy designers are incorporating it into everything from cabinetry and vanities to accents like towels and artwork. And the best part? Blue plays nicely with a wide range of other colors, from earthy neutrals to bold pops of contrasting hues.

One of my recent clients was absolutely smitten with the idea of a moody, navy-blue vanity. We paired it with crisp white subway tiles and gleaming brass fixtures for a look that was both elegant and on-trend. The result? A bathroom that felt like a luxurious, five-star hotel suite, right in the comfort of their own home. [4]

Introducing Unexpected Pops of Color

While the soothing, nature-inspired palette is undoubtedly having a moment, that doesn’t mean you have to play it safe when it comes to your bathroom design. In fact, some of the most eye-catching and inspiring spaces incorporate unexpected pops of vibrant color.

Take, for example, the growing popularity of rich, jewel-toned hues like deep plums, lush emeralds, and bold, fiery reds. These shades add an instant dose of drama and sophistication, elevating the space from simply functional to truly showstopping.

One of my favorite ways to incorporate these bold colors is through the use of statement tile. Imagine a bathroom wrapped in a mesmerizing, Art Deco-inspired pattern of deep emerald green and warm, earthy terracotta. Or a sleek, minimalist space punctuated by a vibrant, crimson-red backsplash. [5] The possibilities are endless, and the visual impact is simply undeniable.

But don’t feel like you have to limit the color to just the walls and floors. Thoughtful pops of vibrant hues can also come in the form of eye-catching light fixtures, sculptural vanities, or even playful textiles like shower curtains and towels. The key is to strike a balance, allowing the bold colors to shine without overwhelming the space.

Curating the Perfect Palette

Of course, the true art of on-trend bathroom design lies in the careful curation of your color palette. It’s not just about picking a single shade and running with it – the magic happens when you layer complementary tones, textures, and finishes to create a cohesive, visually captivating space.

One of my go-to strategies is to start with a neutral base, like a cool, calming gray or a warm, earthy beige. From there, I’ll introduce pops of color through statement tile, striking vanities, or eye-catching accessories. Perhaps a rich, terracotta-hued vanity paired with a dreamy, blue-green subway tile backsplash. Or a crisp, white backdrop punctuated by vibrant, emerald-green accents.

The key is to pay attention to undertones and consider how the various shades will work together. A cool, silvery gray might clash with a warmer, peach-toned neutral, for example. But a slightly cooler, bluish-gray can create a stunning contrast when paired with earthy, terracotta-inspired hues.

And don’t forget about the importance of texture and finishes! Mixing and matching different materials, from matte ceramics to shimmering metallics, can add depth and visual interest to your space. It’s all about striking the right balance and creating a cohesive, visually appealing design.

Embracing the Power of Color

At the end of the day, the true magic of on-trend bathroom design lies in the transformative power of color. Whether you opt for a soothing, nature-inspired palette or a bold, vibrant scheme, the right hues have the ability to turn your bathroom into a true oasis of relaxation and rejuvenation.

So, don’t be afraid to experiment, to push the boundaries, and to have fun with your color choices. After all, what better place to indulge in a little creative expression than the sanctuary of your own bathroom? So grab those color swatches, start dreaming, and get ready to transform your space into the ultimate retreat.

Happy renovating, my friends!



Clever Bathroom Storage Ideas You Havent Thought Of

Clever Bathroom Storage Ideas You Havent Thought Of

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Organization)

As I sit here staring at the mess that is my tiny bathroom, I can’t help but shake my head. You see, I have a bit of a problem – actually, make that four problems. Between my husband and our two kids, our single bathroom has become a veritable battlefield of toiletries, towels, and who knows what else. And let’s not even talk about the dreaded toilet paper situation.

But you know what they say – desperate times call for desperate measures. And let me tell you, I’ve gotten pretty darn creative when it comes to eking out every last inch of storage space in this cramped little room. From repurposed vases to floating shelves, I’ve discovered some clever bathroom storage ideas that you probably haven’t even thought of.

Tissue Dispenser Hacks

Let’s start with the most obvious culprit – those pesky tissue boxes. I don’t know about you, but I always found them to be such an eyesore, just sitting there on the counter like some sad, forgotten afterthought. Well, no more! [1]

I’ve discovered the joys of repurposing vases, jars, and other random containers as chic tissue dispensers. Not only does this clear up precious counter space, but it also adds a fun, personalized touch to your bathroom decor. Plus, it’s super easy to do – just fold the tissues accordion-style and pop them right in. [2]

My personal favorite is the magenta glass vase I found at the thrift store. With its gorgeous curves and vibrant color, it instantly elevates the humble tissue to new heights of sophistication. And let’s not forget about that adorable porcelain pitcher I transformed – talk about farmhouse chic! [3]

Vertical Storage Saves the Day

Now, as much as I love my tissue dispenser creations, I have to admit that they only solve one small part of the bathroom storage puzzle. Where do you put all those other essentials, like cotton swabs, hair products, and, let’s face it, the never-ending supply of toilet paper? [4]

This is where vertical storage comes in handy. By installing some simple floating shelves above the toilet or along the walls, you can maximize the vertical space and keep everything organized and within reach. [5] I’m particularly proud of the botanical-inspired shelf I created using a vintage glass bowl – it’s both functional and oh-so-pretty.

And speaking of toilet paper, can we talk about how much of a game-changer the Cottonelle Mega Rolls are? With four rolls in one, I can stock up without taking up valuable real estate in my tiny bathroom. It’s a total space-saver, and I don’t have to worry about constantly running out. [6]

Get Creative with Containers

But wait, there’s more! I’ve also discovered the joys of using all sorts of random containers to corral those smaller items that tend to get lost in the shuffle. Think mason jars, old vases, and even repurposed canisters. [7]

Not only do these custom-made storage solutions look adorable, but they also help me keep everything neatly organized and within reach. No more digging through cluttered drawers or cabinets – everything has its own designated spot, and I can find what I need in a snap.

And let’s not forget about those often-neglected spaces, like the area above the toilet or the back of the door. By getting a little creative with hanging baskets, wall-mounted shelves, and even over-the-door organizers, I’ve managed to squeeze out every last bit of storage potential in my tiny bathroom. [8]

The Takeaway? Never Underestimate the Power of Organization

So there you have it, folks – my tried-and-true tips for making the most of your bathroom storage. From repurposed vases to vertical shelving, the possibilities are endless. And let me tell you, the sense of accomplishment I feel when I look at my beautifully organized bathroom is worth every bit of the effort.

Sure, I may not be the queen of organization, but I’ve learned that a little creativity and a whole lot of determination can go a long way. And who knows, maybe I’ll even inspire you to tackle your own bathroom storage woes. After all, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do – even if it means getting a little (or a lot) crafty in the process.



Luxurious Bathrooms on a Middle Class Budget

Luxurious Bathrooms on a Middle Class Budget

Discovering the Luxury Within

I’ll never forget the first time I stepped into a lavish hotel bathroom. It was as if I had been transported into another world – the sleek, gleaming tiles, the shimmering chrome fixtures, the plush towels and robes. I felt like a queen! As I sank into the deep, clawfoot tub, letting the steaming water envelop me, I couldn’t help but daydream about having that same level of luxury in my own humble abode.

Fast forward a few years, and I’m thrilled to say that I’ve been able to recreate that luxurious, spa-like feel in my own middle-class bathroom. It wasn’t easy, and it took some creativity and elbow grease, but the end result is a space that feels like a true oasis. And you know what? I think I enjoy it even more than some of those high-end hotel bathrooms, because this one is truly my own.

Mastering the Middle-Class Makeover

When we first moved into our home, the bathroom was straight out of the 90s – all beige tiles, huge mirrors, and an open shower design that just didn’t work for us. I knew I wanted to transform it into something more modern and luxurious, but with a limited budget, I had to get creative.

First up was the tile. I scoured The Home Depot website and fell in love with the MARAZZI Developed by Nature Calacatta 12 in. x 24 in. Glazed Porcelain Floor and Wall Tile. [1] It had the look of stunning white marble, but without the price tag and maintenance hassle. Paired with the Jeffrey Court Whisper Valley 11 in. x 12.687 in. x 6 mm Porcelain Mosaic Tile for the shower floor, [1] it created a cohesive, high-end feel.

Next, we tackled the shower situation. The open design just wasn’t working for us, so we decided to enclose it with a custom-made frameless glass door. This was a bigger investment, but it really made the space feel luxurious and elevated. [1] And let’s talk about that showerhead – an 8-inch square chrome beauty from Delta Faucet that feels like standing under a waterfall. [1] The hand-held shower wand with built-in temperature display is just the icing on the cake.

Stretching Every Dollar

Of course, with any major renovation project, the budget is always a concern. But I’m proud to say that we were able to achieve this high-end look without breaking the bank. By doing as much of the work ourselves as possible, like painting the cabinets and handling the electrical, we were able to save a significant amount. [1]

And let’s not forget about those existing cabinets! Instead of replacing them, we simply gave them a fresh coat of paint and new hardware from the LIBERTY CABINET HARDWARE line at The Home Depot. [1] It’s amazing what a difference a little transformation can make.

Finding the Perfect Finishing Touches

With the big-ticket items taken care of, it was time to focus on the little details that would really make the space feel luxurious. I scoured The Home Depot for the perfect accessories, from plush towels to sleek soap dispensers. And let me tell you, their selection did not disappoint. [1]

One of my favorite finishing touches? The small, white framed mirror next to the shower. It adds such an elegant, boutique hotel vibe, and it was the perfect way to tie the whole room together. [2]

A Space to Truly Unwind

As I step into my new bathroom oasis, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. This space that was once a dated, uninspiring mess is now a true sanctuary – a place where I can escape the stresses of the day and indulge in a little self-care.

And you know what? I can’t help but chuckle at the fact that I was able to achieve this level of luxury on a middle-class budget. It just goes to show that with a little creativity, a lot of elbow grease, and the right resources, you can transform even the most mundane spaces into something truly special. [1], [2]

So if you’re dreaming of a luxurious bathroom but feeling limited by your budget, take heart. With some strategic planning and a little bit of DIY magic, you can absolutely create the spa-like retreat of your dreams. After all, a touch of elegance and relaxation shouldn’t be reserved for the wealthy elite. It’s time for the middle class to claim their rightful place in the lap of luxury. [3], [4]


[1] Shabby Fufu. (n.d.). Budget Bathroom Ideas for a Luxury Hotel Look.

[2] Reddit. (2021, July 31). The typical middle-class of the US live such luxury.

[3] Quora. (n.d.). Which is more in demand, luxury or budget hotels?

[4] Reddit. (2013, December 5). Is $80,000 a year considered middle class or poverty?

[5] Pacific Point Builders. (n.d.). ADU Builders in Encino.

[6] Strong Towns. (2016, January 3). Enough.

[7] Yahoo Finance. (2018, September 14). Luxury Living on a Budget: 6 Tips.

[8] Steam Community. (n.d.). The actual global middle class.