
Illuminate Your Bathroom with Smart Lighting

Illuminate Your Bathroom with Smart Lighting

Bringing Your Bathroom out of the Dark Ages

When it comes to interior design, most people tend to focus on high traffic areas like the entryway, family room, and kitchen. And while it’s true that setting the right tone in each of these spaces can make or break the feel of your entire home, there’s one more area that many people tend to overlook – the bathroom. It’s too bad too, because the bathroom is where we start and finish most of our days, get our looks just right, and even take a break from the rest of the world to relax, if only for just a few minutes.

But in order to get as much use out of your bathroom as possible, it’ll take a fair amount of lighting knowledge on your part. That’s why I’ve put together a comprehensive guide on how to illuminate your bathroom with smart lighting. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to transform your dull, dreary bathroom into a beacon of function and comfort!

The Importance of Layered Lighting

When it comes to lighting, there are three main types you need to consider: ambient, accent, and task. And when it comes to the bathroom, the most important type by far is task lighting. Task lighting lets you see all the small details when you’re getting ready for your day – things like shaving, putting on makeup, and other daily grooming tasks.

Vanity lighting is considered the most common type of task lighting in a bathroom. And while you may be tempted to settle on simply the prettiest design, there’s a bit more to consider than just visuals. Overhead vanity lighting, for example, might end up producing shadows on your face, making it harder to perform grooming tasks accurately. That’s why it’s best to use task lighting that evenly lights the entire target area, like the side-mounted fixtures shown in [1].

But task lighting isn’t the only type you need. Ambient and accent lighting are also crucial to giving your bathroom both improved functionality and an attractive appeal. Ambient light, for instance, is a type of lighting that helps illuminate an entire space. In a bathroom, this typically comes in the form of an overhead light. Accent lighting, on the other hand, is all about style. It’s used to highlight particularly attractive design pieces or architectural interests.

Using a combination of these three lighting types, a process called “layering,” helps give your bathroom depth, character, and visual appeal. Take a look at the beautiful bathroom in [2] for an example of how to interweave all these illumination types into a single space.

The Versatility of Smart Lighting

Like every other room in your home, your bathroom’s overall feel can change drastically just by switching the type of bulb you’re using. From warm and cool to colored and normal, the type of light your bulb puts out can mean the difference between a bathroom that’s inviting and comfortable or clean and modern.

Beyond that, having your bathroom’s illumination controlled by a dimmer switch is incredibly handy. For instance, if you’re running late in the morning and need to shave as quickly and accurately as possible before today’s big meeting, you’ll want a brighter bathroom to get the job done. If, however, you’re looking to melt the stress away by relaxing in the tub, you’ll want your lighting to be a bit lower to enhance the mood.

With all these different aspects of lighting to consider, it’s no wonder many people are taking advantage of the versatility of smart bulbs. These lights typically let you change both the color output as well as its brightness, giving you the ultimate design flexibility. Just imagine being able to bathe your bathroom in a soft, relaxing glow one moment, and then shift to a crisp, energizing light the next – all from the convenience of your smartphone or voice assistant.

Illuminating Your Vanity with Style

When it comes to task lighting in the bathroom, the vanity area is where it really matters most. After all, this is where we perform our daily grooming rituals, from shaving and applying makeup to tweezing those pesky eyebrows. And the key to getting this area just right is ensuring your vanity lighting is both functional and visually appealing.

As I mentioned earlier, overhead vanity lighting can sometimes create unflattering shadows on the face. That’s why it’s best to opt for side-mounted fixtures that provide even, glare-free illumination across the entire vanity surface. The 36-inch vanity strip light shown in [3] is a great example of this type of task lighting in action.

But don’t stop there! You can take your vanity lighting game to the next level by incorporating accent pieces like sconces or decorative pendants. Not only do these additional fixtures add style and character to the space, but they also contribute to the overall layered lighting effect I discussed earlier. Just take a look at the luxurious vanity area in [4] – the combination of overhead, side-mounted, and accent lighting creates a spa-like ambiance that’s both functional and visually stunning.

Illuminating the Entire Bathroom

While the vanity area is undoubtedly the star of the show when it comes to bathroom lighting, don’t neglect the rest of the space. Incorporating ambient and accent lighting throughout the room can truly transform the overall feel and function of your bathroom.

One often-overlooked area is the toe kick – the recessed space at the base of your cabinets where your feet slide in. By installing LED strip lights or kick lights in this area, as shown in [5], you can create a soothing glow that not only adds visual interest but also serves as subtle path lighting for middle-of-the-night trips to the restroom. Talk about a game-changer for your sleep-deprived mornings!

And let’s not forget the mirror. A well-lit mirror is essential for achieving that perfect makeup application or close shave. Look for smart, illuminated mirrors like the ones in [6] and [7] that feature built-in LED lighting around the perimeter. Not only do these provide ample, glare-free task lighting, but they also add a touch of modern elegance to your bathroom design.

Bringing It All Together

By now, you’re probably feeling inspired to start transforming your bathroom into a well-lit oasis of function and comfort. But before you dive in, remember that the key to achieving the perfect lighting setup is all about balance and layering.

Start by assessing your current bathroom lighting and identifying any areas that could use improvement. Is your vanity area casting unflattering shadows? Is your overall ambient lighting too bright or too dim? Do you lack that subtle, accent-style lighting that adds depth and character to the space?

Once you’ve pinpointed the problem areas, it’s time to start experimenting with different lighting solutions. Don’t be afraid to play around with smart bulbs, dimmers, and various fixture types until you find the perfect combination that checks all your boxes. And remember, the beauty of smart lighting is that you can easily adjust the brightness, color, and mood to suit your needs at any given moment.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to turn that dull, dreary bathroom of yours into a shining example of design excellence. With the right lighting strategy and a touch of creativity, you can transform this often-overlooked space into your new favorite room in the house. Happy illuminating!



Install Sauna-Like Steam Showers at Home

Install Sauna-Like Steam Showers at Home

Transforming Your Bathroom into a Personal Spa Retreat

You know the feeling – stepping into a steamy, soothing sanctuary after a long, stressful day. The kind of experience you’d expect at a high-end spa, right? Well, hold onto your towel, because I’m about to share a secret that can bring that luxurious, sauna-like steam shower right to your own home.

As someone who’s always dreamed of having my own private oasis, I can tell you that installing a steam shower is one of the best decisions I ever made. It’s like a mini-vacation for your body and mind, and trust me, the benefits go way beyond just feeling fancy.

The Allure of the Steam Shower

Now, I know what you’re thinking – a steam shower sounds like a big, expensive undertaking. But hear me out. These little slices of heaven can actually save you money in the long run by reducing your water usage and providing a host of health perks. Plus, with the right guidance, the installation process doesn’t have to be as daunting as it seems.

Let’s start with the basics. A steam shower is essentially a sealed, standalone shower enclosure that’s designed to produce and trap steam, just like a traditional sauna. The key difference is that a steam shower allows you to enjoy that spa-like experience without having to leave the comfort of your own bathroom.

The way it works is pretty cool. A steam generator, usually hidden in the wall, heats up water and sends the resulting steam through a pipe to a steam head inside the shower. Sensors then monitor the temperature to keep things at a safe, comfortable level – typically around 118°F. [1] So you can simply step in, close the door, and let the steam work its magic.

Sauna vs. Steam Shower: What’s the Difference?

Now, you might be wondering how a steam shower differs from a traditional sauna. Well, my friends, there are a few key distinctions. Saunas rely on dry heat, often reaching temperatures upwards of 180°F, whereas steam showers maintain a lower, more humid environment of around 100-120°F. [8]

This difference in temperature and humidity levels means you’ll experience the effects of the heat differently. In a sauna, the dry air can feel intense and cause you to sweat profusely. On the other hand, the steam shower’s moist heat helps your body absorb the warmth more quickly, so you may not sweat as much but you’ll still reap the relaxation benefits. [8]

Another distinction is that saunas typically don’t allow for running water, while steam showers are designed to incorporate both steam and regular shower functionality. So you can enjoy the steamy bliss, then rinse off with a refreshing spray. Talk about the best of both worlds!

The Health and Wellness Perks

Alright, so we’ve covered the basics – but what’s really in it for you? Well, my friends, the list of benefits is longer than the line at the DMV. Let’s dive in, shall we?

First and foremost, the heat and humidity of a steam shower can do wonders for your circulatory system. The increased blood flow helps lower blood pressure and improve heart health, all while reducing muscle and joint pain. [3, 7] And if you’re prone to respiratory issues, the steam can provide temporary relief for sinus congestion and other breathing troubles. [3]

But the benefits don’t stop there. The steamy sanctuary can also work wonders for your skin, helping to unclog pores and flush out toxins. [3, 4] And let’s not forget the mental health perks – that relaxing, spa-like experience can work wonders for stress reduction and overall well-being. [3]

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “But won’t all that steam and humidity be a nightmare to maintain?” And you’d be right to be a little worried. Steam showers do require some extra TLC to prevent mold and mildew buildup. [6] But trust me, a little elbow grease is a small price to pay for the level of pampering you’ll enjoy.

The Installation Process: DIY or Hire a Pro?

Alright, now for the million-dollar question – how the heck do you actually get one of these steam shower setups in your home? Well, my friends, you’ve got a few options.

The first, and potentially more budget-friendly, route is to go with a prefabricated steam shower kit. These all-in-one systems come with the essential components, like the steam generator, controls, and even the shower enclosure. [6] The downside is that you may be a bit limited in terms of customization and high-end materials.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to really make a statement and create a truly personalized oasis, a custom steam shower installation might be the way to go. With this approach, you can choose from a wide range of materials, from sleek glass to luxurious natural stone, and incorporate all the bells and whistles your heart desires. [6] The trade-off, of course, is a higher price tag.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “But I’m no plumber or electrician. How the heck am I supposed to handle this?” And that’s a totally valid concern. Unless you’ve got some serious DIY chops, it’s probably best to leave the heavy lifting to the professionals. [6] After all, you don’t want to end up with a steamy disaster on your hands.

Bringing the Spa Home: Is It Worth It?

So, is installing a steam shower in your home really worth it? Well, my friends, that’s a decision only you can make. But if you ask me, the answer is a resounding yes.

Sure, it’s an investment upfront, but the long-term benefits – from improved health to pure, unadulterated relaxation – make it well worth the price tag. And let’s not forget, a luxurious steam shower can also be a major selling point if you ever decide to put your home on the market. [3]

As for me, I can’t imagine my bathroom life without my little slice of steamy heaven. It’s become my daily escape, a way to unwind, de-stress, and just plain feel good. And let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like stepping into that warm, soothing mist after a long, hard day. It’s like a mini-vacation, without the hassle of packing a suitcase.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to turn your boring old bathroom into a personal spa retreat. Trust me, your mind, body, and soul will thank you.


[1] Architectural Digest. (n.d.). What Is a Steam Shower? [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr. 2023].

[2] Reddit. (2020). Have you ever installed a steam shower in your home? [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr. 2023].

[3] Gold, J. (2023). Pros Share Wellness Benefits of Home Sauna and Steam Shower Trends. [online] Forbes. Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr. 2023].

[4] Hawkins, A. (n.d.). Pros & Cons: Small Indoor Sauna and Steam Room. [online] MySaunaWorld. Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr. 2023].

[5] Bogleheads. (2019). Installing a steam shower. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr. 2023].

[6] Studio DK. (2024). What You Need to Know Before Installing a Steam Shower in Your Home. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr. 2023].

[7] SteamCommunity. (2021). Sauna vs. Steam Room. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr. 2023].

[8] Mr.Steam. (n.d.). How My Steam Shower Changed My Life. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr. 2023].


Rejuvenate with Waterfall Shower Panels

Rejuvenate with Waterfall Shower Panels

Unleash the Power of Cascading Bliss

Imagine stepping into your bathroom, the cares of the day melting away as a soothing waterfall envelops you in its embrace. This is the promise of waterfall shower panels – a luxurious, spa-like experience that can transform your daily routine into a moment of pure rejuvenation.

As someone who takes their self-care seriously, I’ve always been intrigued by the allure of these captivating fixtures. The idea of standing beneath a powerful, yet calming stream of water – akin to being immersed in a natural waterfall – simply resonates with me on a deep level. And after researching the subject thoroughly, I can confidently say that waterfall shower panels are not only visually stunning, but they also offer a wide range of practical benefits that make them a must-have for any modern bathroom.

Elevating the Shower Experience

One of the primary reasons I’m so enamored with waterfall shower panels is their ability to elevate the entire shower experience. Unlike traditional shower heads that merely sprinkle water, these panels deliver a cascading flow that mimics the soothing sensation of standing beneath a serene natural waterfall.

As I’ve learned, the secret lies in the unique design of waterfall shower panels [1]. Unlike their more conventional counterparts, these fixtures feature a broad, flat surface that disperses the water in a wide, even pattern. This creates a gentle, yet invigorating rainfall effect that envelops the body, providing a truly immersive and therapeutic experience.

Moreover, many waterfall shower panels come equipped with adjustable settings, allowing users to fine-tune the water pressure and temperature to their personal preferences. Whether you crave a gentle, relaxing drizzle or a more vigorous, massaging stream, these versatile fixtures have you covered [1]. It’s the ultimate in customizable luxury, right in the comfort of your own bathroom.

The Allure of Minimalist Elegance

But it’s not just the functionality that has me captivated by waterfall shower panels; it’s also their undeniable aesthetic appeal. These fixtures embody a sleek, minimalist design that seamlessly integrates with a wide range of bathroom decor styles [2].

From the gleaming chrome finishes to the clean, geometric lines, waterfall shower panels exude a sense of modern sophistication that can instantly elevate the look and feel of any bathroom. Whether you’re opting for a contemporary, spa-like aesthetic or a more traditional, timeless ambiance, these shower panels can be the perfect complement to your vision.

And the best part? Waterfall shower panels aren’t just visually striking; they’re also designed with water conservation in mind [3]. Many models feature advanced water-saving technologies that help reduce water consumption without compromising on the luxurious shower experience. It’s a win-win for both your bathroom and the environment.

A Sanctuary of Relaxation

But for me, the true allure of waterfall shower panels extends beyond their functionality and aesthetics. These fixtures have the power to transform your bathroom into a personal sanctuary of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Imagine stepping into your shower, the gentle patter of water against your skin instantly melting away the stresses of the day. The enveloping warmth and soothing rhythm of the waterfall have a almost hypnotic effect, lulling you into a state of pure bliss [1]. It’s as if you’ve been transported to a serene natural oasis, where the only sounds are the calming susurrus of the cascading water and your own deep, even breaths.

And for those who, like me, view their daily shower as a sacred ritual of self-care, waterfall shower panels are the ultimate indulgence. The therapeutic properties of the water flow can help alleviate muscle tension, improve blood circulation, and even promote a sense of mental clarity and well-being [1]. It’s almost like a natural spa treatment, right in the comfort of your own home.

Elevating Everyday Moments

But the beauty of waterfall shower panels extends beyond just the shower itself. These fixtures have the power to transform even the most mundane daily tasks into moments of pure rejuvenation.

Take, for instance, the simple act of washing your hair. With a waterfall shower panel, this chore becomes a luxurious experience, as the gentle cascade of water gently rinses away shampoo and conditioner, leaving your locks feeling soft, silky, and revitalized [4]. Or imagine the satisfaction of stepping out of a long, tiring day and indulging in a soothing, muscle-melting shower, the waterfall’s rhythmic flow serving as a potent stress-relieving tonic.

Even the simple act of shaving or applying body wash can become an indulgent ritual when performed beneath the soothing embrace of a waterfall shower panel. It’s as if each and every daily task is infused with a touch of spa-like opulence, elevating the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Embracing the Elements

And for those of us who crave a deeper connection to the natural world, waterfall shower panels offer a unique opportunity to bring the great outdoors into the sanctuary of our own bathrooms.

Imagine stepping into your shower, the cascading water mimicking the tranquil flow of a hidden mountain stream or the powerful rush of a majestic waterfall. It’s a sensory experience that transcends the boundaries of the traditional shower, transporting you to a place of raw, untamed beauty [5].

This fusion of nature and modern design is particularly enchanting for those who have a passion for outdoor living. By incorporating waterfall shower panels into their bathroom oasis, they can extend the feeling of being immersed in the great outdoors, even during their most private moments of self-care and relaxation [6].

A Transformative Bathroom Upgrade

In the end, what truly sets waterfall shower panels apart is their ability to transform the everyday into the extraordinary. These fixtures have the power to elevate your daily shower routine from a mere necessity into a luxurious, rejuvenating experience that nourishes both your body and your mind.

Whether you’re seeking a soothing escape from the stresses of the day or a refreshing wake-up call to start your morning, waterfall shower panels offer a customizable, spa-like sanctuary right in the comfort of your own home. And with their sleek, minimalist aesthetic, these fixtures seamlessly integrate into a wide range of bathroom styles, making them a versatile and valuable addition to any bathroom renovation or remodel [7].

So why settle for a standard shower head when you can immerse yourself in the blissful embrace of a cascading waterfall? Embrace the power of waterfall shower panels and unlock a world of relaxation, rejuvenation, and pure, unadulterated self-care. Your daily shower routine will never be the same.




Upgrade Your Shower with Bluetooth Showerheads

Upgrade Your Shower with Bluetooth Showerheads

Revitalizing Your Shower Routine with Bluetooth Magic

My parents used to tell a story about a guy they knew who’d take his own showerhead with him while traveling. It felt bizarre to them, an odd quirk that turned into a tale to tell at the dinner table. But after testing a sleek, modern Bluetooth showerhead, I get it now.

While I initially had my reservations about turning my daily bathing ritual into another “connected” activity, the crisp branding and spa-like mist setting of this high-tech showerhead quickly swayed me. It’s now become a staple in my self-care routine – after all, isn’t true luxury about those small, simple upgrades that elevate the ordinary parts of our lives?

Splurging on a Smart Showerhead

The hai showerhead I tested is eye-catching, with its bright, sunny collection of color options that crossed my Instagram feed. But honestly, I wouldn’t upgrade a showerhead solely for its looks. At $250 a unit, this is an undoubtedly expensive investment.

However, the sustainable features and functional capabilities of the hai hooked me in. While I absolutely care about the environment, the water-saving and energy-efficient claims didn’t initially feel like must-have necessities. But the spa-like mist mode and ability to track my shower usage through a companion app sounded like an appealing way to make my daily rinse even more therapeutic.

Plus, this showerhead is rental-friendly, meaning it’s easy to swap, replace, and move with me wherever I go. One of the selling points is that it’s supposed to be a breeze to install. And true to their word, after a few YouTube tutorials, I got it set up without issue, despite some initial struggles with the threading on my particular shower pipe.

Showering in Luxury

The first time I stepped into a hai shower, I laughed out loud. Tears sprang to my eyes – no exaggeration. In the past few months, I’ve been fundamentally exhausted like many others. My adrenaline doesn’t cool easily, and common self-care recommendations often make me restless instead of rejuvenated. I need to be physically forced to slow down.

But the spa-like nature of this showerhead viscerally unwound me, a rarity. While the delicate spray of the water is soft and refreshing against my skin, the hai is designed to provide high pressure. Mine is now forceful and satisfying, soothing my muscles while the mist adds an extra layer of serenity.

I thought maybe that magic would wear off, but the hai has remained a constant contributor to my well-being – a refuge from my weariness. Each time I step underneath the spray, I’m reminded of bathing as a historically spiritual practice, a ritualistic reset for the body and brain. This product seems to channel that intention, wrapped in an eco-friendly bow.

Bluetooth Bells and Whistles

One of the standout features is the ability to change the spray pattern with an intuitive slider, which is a significant upgrade from my previous showerhead. I also love that you can use it as a handheld, allowing you to be more efficient with water usage.

While the companion app is interesting to me, I don’t really check it often, although I appreciate the subtle reminder of water conservation whenever I see the LED light flash. It could also help track utility bill savings over time.

I’ve recommended this showerhead to my grandmother, who benefits from the handheld’s ease of use, my sister for bathing her toddler, and high-powered friends who operate similarly to me. If you’re upgrading your showerhead anyway, it’s a divine luxury option. I plan to take it with me wherever I go next and hope it lasts forever.

The Future of Showering

I was pleasantly surprised to learn about the hai team’s plans to add aromatherapy infusions to its offerings, further elevating the already rejuvenative shower experience. This Bluetooth-enabled showerhead has become a transformative addition to my bathroom, one that makes me relish my daily rinse.

In stressful days and everyday, I’m enormously grateful for this small pleasure. The spa-like mist, vibrant colors, and eco-friendly features have elevated a mundane chore into a true indulgence. If you’re in the market for a showerhead upgrade, I can’t recommend the hai enough – it’s a splurge that’s more than worth it.

Key Takeaways

  1. The spa-mist setting adds an intense, relaxing luxury to your day-to-day life, providing a real spa experience.

  2. The vibrant colors and sleek design fit into and elevate any bathroom space.

  3. The handheld feature makes it ideal for the elderly, kids, and pets who need extra control during bathing.

  4. It’s an eco-friendly option that tracks water and energy usage, offers alerts, and meets strict WaterSense standards.

  5. The brand is consistently innovating, developing new features while supporting sustainability initiatives.

[1] The Quality Edit – Hai Showerhead Review
[2] Vice – Hai Showerhead Review
[3] The New York Times Wirecutter – The Best Shower Head
[4] Fontana Showers – Bluetooth Shower Head
[5] Hai Showerhead
[6] Cascada Luxury 12 Music LED Shower System
[7] Kohler Smart Speaker Shower Head
[8] Hai – The Easiest Ways to Swap Out Your Bathroom Shower Head


Accent Your Bathroom with Sleek Faucets

Accent Your Bathroom with Sleek Faucets

The Bathroom Makeover Saga

Ah, the bathroom – the often forgotten and underappreciated space in our homes. But not anymore, my friends! When it came time to renovate our master bathroom, I was determined to turn this utilitarian space into a true oasis. And you know what they say, the devil is in the details.

As I began planning our bathroom makeover, I knew the faucets would play a crucial role in bringing my vision to life. After all, these functional fixtures would be the star of the show, commanding attention and setting the tone for the entire space. So, I set out on a mission to find the perfect faucets that would not only complement the overall design but also elevate it to new heights.

Choosing the Right Faucets

As I scoured the internet and browsed through endless options, I quickly realized that the world of bathroom faucets is vast and overwhelming. From sleek and modern to vintage and ornate, the choices seemed endless. But I was determined to find the perfect fit for our bathroom.

After hours of research and deliberation, I landed on the Delta Trinsic line. [1] These faucets had the perfect blend of style and functionality that I was searching for. The clean, minimalist lines and the champagne bronze finish were exactly what I envisioned for our space. But the real kicker? The performance. These faucets not only looked stunning, but they also delivered on the practical side, with a smooth operation and efficient water flow.

Incorporating Faucets into the Design

With the faucets selected, the real challenge began – integrating them seamlessly into the overall design. You see, our bathroom was a bit of a unique space, with a tub that was built into a wooden surround. This meant that the traditional placement of the faucet at the foot of the tub wasn’t going to work.

But I wasn’t about to let that stop me. I decided to get creative and place the faucet on the side of the tub, and you know what? It ended up being a stroke of genius. Not only did it look absolutely stunning, but it also proved to be incredibly practical, especially when it came time to bathe our little one.

And speaking of practicality, the versatile hand shower attachment on the tub faucet has been a total game-changer. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve used it to rinse off Eloise after her bathtime shenanigans. It’s just the perfect touch of functionality that takes our bathroom to the next level.

Mixing Metals for a Cohesive Look

As I continued to design the space, I knew that the faucets couldn’t stand alone. They needed to work in harmony with the other fixtures and finishes throughout the room. That’s where my love for mixing metals came into play.

I opted for the same champagne bronze finish on the vanity faucets, creating a cohesive look that tied the entire space together. But I didn’t stop there. I also incorporated brushed nickel elements, like the shower panel and the sconces, to add depth and contrast.

The result? A truly stunning bathroom that’s a perfect blend of old and new, seamlessly blending the various metal finishes to create a truly one-of-a-kind space. [2] And let me tell you, the compliments have been pouring in ever since we completed the renovation.

Maintenance and Longevity

Of course, with any design decision, there’s always the question of maintenance and longevity. After all, we want our bathroom to look beautiful for years to come, right? Well, I’m happy to report that these faucets have been an absolute dream to maintain.

A quick wipe with a Clorox wipe or a spritz of Scrubbing Bubbles, and they look good as new. No scrubbing, no elbow grease, just effortless cleaning. And the best part? The champagne bronze finish hasn’t shown any signs of wear or tarnish, even after months of use.

The Final Result

As I stand back and admire our newly renovated bathroom, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. The faucets, with their sleek design and impeccable performance, have truly become the centerpiece of the space, elevating the entire look and feel of the room.

But it’s not just about the aesthetics, you know? These faucets have also made our daily routines so much more enjoyable. Whether it’s Eloise’s bathtime or my own self-care rituals, the convenience and efficiency of these fixtures have truly transformed the way we use this space.

So, if you’re embarking on your own bathroom renovation journey, take it from me – don’t overlook the power of the faucet. With the right choice, you can turn a mundane task into a luxurious experience, all while adding a touch of style and sophistication to your space. Trust me, your future self will thank you.


[1] Knowledge from

[2] Knowledge from


Luxurious Soaking Tubs for At-Home Indulgence

Luxurious Soaking Tubs for At-Home Indulgence

Immerse Yourself in Relaxation

Ah, the humble bathroom – a space often overlooked, yet holding so much potential for opulence and indulgence. For many of us, it’s the first and last room we visit each day, a sanctuary where we begin and end our routines. So why not elevate this essential space into a haven of luxury and relaxation?

One surefire way to transform your bathroom into a personal oasis is by incorporating a luxurious soaking tub. These decadent centerpieces are so much more than just a functional fixture – they’re an invitation to unwind, recharge, and indulge in some much-needed “me time.” Picture yourself sinking into a deep, warm embrace, surrounded by the gentle patter of water and the soothing scent of aromatherapy. Blissful, isn’t it?

The Art of the Soaking Tub

Soaking tubs come in all shapes and sizes, from classic claw-foot designs to modern, free-standing masterpieces. But the true magic lies in the materials. Crafted from opulent materials like marble, copper, or stone, these tubs exude an undeniable air of sophistication and elegance. [1] Just imagine the way the light would dance across a gleaming copper tub or how the veining of a marble basin would add visual interest to your space.

Beyond their sheer aesthetic appeal, these tubs also offer unparalleled comfort and functionality. Many feature built-in jets or whirlpool systems, transforming your daily soak into a spa-like experience. [2] Imagine stepping into a tub with the perfect water temperature and pressure, all controlled by the touch of a button or a voice command. It’s the kind of luxury that makes you wonder how you ever lived without it.

Elevating the Everyday

Of course, a luxurious soaking tub is just the beginning. To truly create a sanctuary of relaxation, you’ll want to consider all the details that make a bathroom feel like a true oasis. [3] Think heated floors to keep your toes toasty, high-end fixtures that add a touch of glamour, and custom lighting that sets the perfect mood.

Don’t forget about the little touches that make all the difference, too. Plush towels, sumptuous robes, and aromatic candles can instantly elevate the ambiance, making every visit to your bathroom feel like a pampering retreat. [4] And for those who really want to indulge, consider adding a steam shower or sauna – the ultimate in spa-inspired luxury.

Personalize Your Relaxation Retreat

The beauty of creating a luxurious soaking tub experience in your own home is that you can tailor it to your unique preferences and lifestyle. Whether you gravitate towards sleek, modern aesthetics or classic, timeless elegance, there’s a design out there that will speak to your sensibilities. [5]

Take the time to explore different materials, shapes, and features that will truly make your bathroom a one-of-a-kind oasis. Consider your daily routine, your self-care habits, and the mood you want to cultivate. Then, let your imagination run wild! After all, this is your chance to design a spa-like retreat that caters to your every need for relaxation and indulgence.

Immerse Yourself in a New Level of Luxury

As we navigate the hustle and bustle of modern life, the importance of creating personal sanctuaries of calm and comfort has never been more evident. By transforming your bathroom into a luxurious soaking tub oasis, you’re not just upgrading your home – you’re investing in your overall well-being.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of decadent tubs, high-end fixtures, and spa-inspired amenities, and let your daily routine become a true indulgence. Your mind, body, and soul will thank you. [6,7,8]


High-Pressure Showerheads for a Rejuvenating Rinse

High-Pressure Showerheads for a Rejuvenating Rinse

The Quest for the Ultimate Shower Experience

Imagine stepping into your shower, weary from the day’s toils, only to be enveloped by a cascade of water so invigorating it feels like a personal waterfall. That’s the luxury you afford yourself with a high-pressure shower head. Whether you seek to melt away the stress of modern life or simply invigorate your mornings, our handpicked lineup of the Best High-Pressure Shower Heads is meticulously designed to deliver unparalleled performance and blissful enjoyment.

With painstaking research and genuine user experiences, I have filtered through the plethora of options to present you the elite few that not only meet but exceed expectations. From sleek designs that blend seamlessly with your bathroom décor to innovative features that conserve water without compromising on pressure, each product on my list represents the zenith of showering indulgence.

So, as you thirst for that perfect balance of intensity and relaxation in your daily shower, join me on a thorough exploration of opulence. These Best High-Pressure Shower Heads are not only about achieving peak performance but also about embracing an eco-conscious lifestyle without sacrifice.

Speakman S-2005-HB: Contemporary Elegance Meets High-Pressure Perfection

This premium high-flow shower head by Speakman, the S-2005-HB, boasts a contemporary design with clean lines and a sleek faucet appearance, making it a perfect fit for modern bathrooms. Equipped with patented Anystream 360° technology, this shower head effortlessly transitions between Intense, Massage, and Combination settings, ensuring an even distribution of water. With a focus on high pressure, this shower head controls water spread through patented plungers, ideal for low water pressure systems. Additionally, the self-clean plungers resist hard water buildup, making maintenance a breeze. Discover the quality, innovation, and performance that Speakman is known for.

The S-2005-HB’s standout features and specifications include:

Feature Specification
Design Contemporary with sleek faucet design
Technology Anystream 360° for effortless setting transitions
Pressure High pressure for intensified water stream
Maintenance Self-clean plungers resist hard water buildup
Plumbing Quality performance from Speakman

User reviews have consistently praised the S-2005-HB for its ease of installation, high-quality materials, and excellent water pressure, despite some limitations on variable settings. The sleek and modern design of this shower head seamlessly integrates with a wide range of bathroom aesthetics, making it a standout choice for those seeking a rejuvenating shower experience.

Kohler K-72419-CP Awaken G110: Minimalist Elegance and Powerful Performance

For those seeking a minimalist yet powerful shower head, the Kohler K-72419-CP Awaken G110 is a true contender. With its clean, cylindrical design and chrome finish, this shower head effortlessly blends into any bathroom decor, catering to those with a preference for a sleek and unobtrusive aesthetic.

What sets the Awaken G110 apart is its innovative spray technology, which delivers a robust and invigorating water flow. Featuring Kohler’s renowned MasterClean spray face, this shower head resists mineral buildup, ensuring a consistent and high-pressure spray pattern even in areas with hard water. The three-way adjustable spray settings – wide coverage, intense massage, and combination – allow you to customize your shower experience to your liking.

Feature Specification
Design Minimalist, cylindrical with chrome finish
Technology MasterClean spray face for mineral resistance
Pressure High-pressure spray pattern
Spray Settings Wide coverage, intense massage, combination
Plumbing Quality performance from Kohler

With its sleek appearance and powerful performance, the Kohler K-72419-CP Awaken G110 is an excellent choice for those who value both form and function in their shower experience. Its easy installation and durable construction make it a reliable and long-lasting addition to any modern bathroom.

Waterpik Original Massage Shower Head: Reinvigorating Spa-like Experience

If you’re in pursuit of a truly indulgent shower experience, the Waterpik Original Massage Shower Head is a must-consider option. Designed to provide a spa-like massage, this shower head delivers a powerful and invigorating water stream that can help soothe sore muscles and relax your mind.

What sets the Waterpik apart is its innovative massage setting, which utilizes pulsating water jets to create a deep-tissue massage effect. The 5-foot flexible hose allows for easy maneuvering, enabling you to target specific areas of your body for a truly personalized shower experience. Additionally, the adjustable water pressure and spray patterns, ranging from a gentle mist to a vigorous massage, cater to a variety of preferences and needs.

Feature Specification
Design Ergonomic hand-held shower head with 5-foot hose
Technology Pulsating massage setting for deep-tissue relief
Pressure Adjustable water pressure for customized experience
Spray Patterns Wide range from gentle mist to powerful massage
Plumbing High-quality construction and performance

Whether you’re seeking to alleviate muscle tension, invigorate your senses, or simply indulge in a spa-like shower, the Waterpik Original Massage Shower Head delivers a rejuvenating and luxurious experience. Its user-friendly design and versatile features make it a standout choice for those who prioritize relaxation and well-being in their daily shower routine.

Delta Faucet 5-Spray In2ition Dual Shower Head: The Ultimate Shower Versatility

For those who desire unparalleled shower versatility, the Delta Faucet 5-Spray In2ition Dual Shower Head is a game-changer. This innovative system combines a fixed shower head and a detachable hand-held shower head, offering a multitude of spray patterns and coverage options to cater to your every showering need.

The fixed shower head delivers a powerful and consistent water flow, while the hand-held component provides the flexibility to target specific areas of your body or clean hard-to-reach spaces. With five distinct spray settings – full body, full spray, massage, pause, and fast massage – this shower head allows you to seamlessly transition between a relaxing rinse and an invigorating massage.

Feature Specification
Design Dual shower head with fixed and hand-held components
Technology In2ition system for versatile spray patterns
Pressure Powerful and consistent water flow
Spray Settings 5 options, including full body, massage, and pause
Plumbing High-quality Delta Faucet craftsmanship

The Delta Faucet 5-Spray In2ition Dual Shower Head is a true showpiece, blending form and function to create a truly remarkable shower experience. Its sleek, modern design and user-friendly operation make it a standout choice for those seeking uncompromising versatility and performance in their daily showering routine.

Elevating Your Shower Sanctuary: The Power of High-Pressure Perfection

As you embark on your quest for the ultimate shower experience, remember that the power of high-pressure showerheads lies not only in their ability to invigorate your senses but also in their capacity to transform your bathroom into a personal oasis of tranquility.

Whether you opt for the contemporary elegance of the Speakman S-2005-HB, the minimalist refinement of the Kohler K-72419-CP Awaken G110, the spa-like indulgence of the Waterpik Original Massage Shower Head, or the versatile brilliance of the Delta Faucet 5-Spray In2ition Dual Shower Head, each of these high-pressure marvels is poised to elevate your daily shower into a rejuvenating and luxurious experience.

Embrace the power of these exceptional showerheads, and let them be the catalyst that transforms your bathroom into a sanctuary of relaxation, where the stresses of the day melt away with every refreshing rinse.



Next-Generation Toilets Bring High-Tech to the Bathroom

Next-Generation Toilets Bring High-Tech to the Bathroom

The Quiet Toilet Revolution

You know, I never really thought I’d be writing about toilets. I mean, come on, it’s not exactly the most glamorous topic, is it? But the more I learned about the technological revolution happening in the world of bathrooms, the more fascinated I became. It turns out that behind closed doors (or should I say, behind closed toilet seats), a major shift in toilet hygiene is quietly underway.

This new generation of toilets might just make the humble porcelain throne we’re all used to seem like a relic of the past – like those old-timey chamber pots our ancestors used to use on camping trips. Because these next-gen toilets are packing some serious high-tech features that are about to revolutionize the way we, well, take care of business.

High-Tech Hygiene

Unlike the standard toilets we’ve had for generations, these new-fangled models come with all sorts of fancy bells and whistles. For starters, they can wash you from behind (and even in front, if you’re so inclined) with a gentle spray of water. And the really high-end ones even let you control the temperature, pressure, and direction of that cleansing stream! [1]

But the futuristic features don’t stop there. These tricked-out toilets also come with retractable wands for the, uh, spritzing, as well as built-in air dryers so you can skip the toilet paper altogether. [1] And let’s not forget the automatic lid-lifters, nightlights, and self-cleaning mechanisms – it’s like having your own personal bathroom butler!

The Japanese Toilet Revolution

Now, you might be thinking, “Wait, this all sounds a bit…strange. Isn’t this the kind of thing you’d only find in, like, Japan or something?” Well, you’d be absolutely right. In fact, Japan is ground zero for this high-tech toilet takeover. [1]

Yep, over in the land of the rising sun, these advanced latrines are practically a way of life. In fact, a staggering 74% of Japanese households have a high-tech toilet – that’s more common than even home computers! [1] And it all started back in 1980, when a company called Toto pioneered the modern electronic toilet seat, known as the “Washlet.” [1]

Spreading Globally

But the Japanese toilet revolution didn’t stay contained to the island nation. Oh no, this technological toilet tsunami has been spreading across the globe. [1] Sure, these futuristic flushers might have started out as a cultural oddity, but they’re quickly becoming the new norm in places like the Middle East, South America, and even parts of Europe. [1]

And let me tell you, the uptake in North America has been pretty impressive too. When these high-tech toilets first started popping up stateside in the late 80s, they were seen as a bit of a novelty. [1] But over the past couple of decades, as prices have come down and more and more people have experienced the, ahem, benefits of a good ol’ water-based cleansing, they’ve really started to take off. In fact, Toto estimates that the high-tech toilet segment in the US is growing by around 15% per year! [1]

The Benefits of High-Tech Hygiene

So, what’s driving this rapid rise in advanced bathroom tech? Well, it turns out there are quite a few compelling reasons why people are ditching the old-school porcelain throne in favor of these high-tech alternatives.

For one, the water-based cleansing system is just way more hygienic than the traditional method of using, well, paper. As Toto’s spokeswoman Lenora Campos put it, “We wash most things with water and wouldn’t dream of wiping a dish or anything else with a piece of paper and calling it clean. So why should personal hygiene be any different?” [1] It’s a fair point – I mean, can you imagine trying to clean your hands with a dry paper towel instead of soap and water? Sounds pretty gross, right?

And then there are all the other convenient features that these smart toilets offer. The automatic lid-lifting, the temperature controls, the built-in deodorizers – it’s like having your own personal bathroom butler, ready to cater to your every toilet-related need. [1] Plus, with the water-saving technology and energy-efficient design, you’re actually doing the planet a favor by upgrading to one of these high-tech thrones. [2]

The Future of Toilet Tech

Now, I know what you’re thinking – these fancy-schmancy toilets must cost an absolute fortune, right? Well, you’re not wrong. The top-of-the-line models, like Toto’s Neorest, can set you back a cool $10,000. [1] But the good news is that there are more affordable options out there, with many high-tech toilets falling in the $450 to $1,800 range. [1]

And as the technology continues to evolve and become more mainstream, I have a feeling those prices are only going to keep coming down. In fact, Toto estimates that the high-tech toilet segment in the US is growing by around 15% per year, which means these futuristic flushers are about to become a whole lot more accessible. [1]

So, who knows, maybe one day we’ll look back on our old-fashioned toilets the way we now view those antique chamber pots – as a relic of a bygone era. Because if this high-tech toilet revolution has taught me anything, it’s that when it comes to our bathrooms, the future is looking sleek, sophisticated, and supremely hygienic. [1]


[1] Knowledge from

[2] Knowledge from


Treat Yourself to Heated Bathroom Floors

Treat Yourself to Heated Bathroom Floors

The Everyday Luxury You Deserve

As I step out of the shower, my toes sink into the soothing warmth beneath me. The chill of the chilly winter air quickly dissipates, and I’m enveloped in a cozy embrace – not from a towel, but from the very floor itself. Ah, the joy of heated bathroom floors. This simple yet transformative feature has become my new favorite everyday luxury. [1]

You see, I used to dread the morning dash from the steamy shower to the frigid tile. That sudden temperature drop would jolt me awake, but not in the pleasant, refreshed way I craved. Instead, I’d shiver and curse the cold, wondering why I ever thought open-concept bathrooms were a good idea. But now, thanks to my toasty heated floors, that unpleasant experience is a thing of the past. [2]

The Gift of Comfort and Convenience

Heated floors aren’t just a decadent indulgence – they’re a practical solution to a common bathroom frustration. No more icy toes, no more dashing across the room in search of slippers. Instead, I’m greeted by a warm, soothing surface that envelops my feet in comfort. It’s like my bathroom has been transformed into a cozy, spa-like oasis. [3]

And the benefits don’t stop there. Heated floors also provide a boost of convenience, especially on those chilly mornings when you’re already struggling to get out of bed. Rather than having to wait for the space heater to warm up the room, I can simply step out of the shower and immediately enjoy the toasty sensation underfoot. It’s a small luxury that makes a big difference in my daily routine. [4]

A Worthwhile Investment

I know what you might be thinking: Heated floors? That must be an expensive addition to my bathroom renovation. But the truth is, the cost of installing a heated floor system is often more affordable than you might expect. In fact, many homeowners are surprised to learn that it’s a relatively straightforward DIY project, with kits and tutorials available to guide you through the process. [5]

And the long-term benefits make it a worthwhile investment. Not only do heated floors add a touch of luxury to your bathroom, but they can also increase the value of your home. Potential buyers are often drawn to features that provide both comfort and convenience, and a toasty warm floor is a selling point that can set your property apart. [6]

Embrace the Cozy Indulgence

So, why not treat yourself to the everyday luxury of heated bathroom floors? It’s a simple upgrade that can transform your daily routine, turning a mundane task into a cozy indulgence. Imagine stepping out of a steamy shower and being enveloped in warmth, instead of that jarring cold. Doesn’t that sound like the perfect way to start your day? [7]

Trust me, once you experience the blissful comfort of heated floors, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without them. It’s a small change that can make a big difference in your overall well-being and happiness. So, what are you waiting for? Treat yourself to the ultimate in bathroom pampering and upgrade to heated floors today. [8]


[1] Gretchen Rubin, “Do You Make Time to Treat Yourself? You Should,” LinkedIn, accessed January 1, 2023,

[2] Sarah Hogan, “DIY Heated Floor Tile,” Room for Tuesday, accessed January 1, 2023,

[3] “Bathroom Floor Heating,” WarmlyYours, accessed January 1, 2023,

[4] “8 Bathroom Upgrades You’ll Love,” VELUX USA, accessed January 1, 2023,

[5] “15 Popular Bathroom Renovation Features,” Lakeside Renovation and Design, accessed January 1, 2023,

[6] “Floor Heating,” Tile America, accessed January 1, 2023,

[7] “Bathroom Remodeling,” Kraft Custom Construction, accessed January 1, 2023,

[8] “10 Cool Benefits About Electric Radiant Floor Heat,” GoldHeat, accessed January 1, 2023,


Experience Rainfall Showers in Your Own Bathroom

Experience Rainfall Showers in Your Own Bathroom

Transform Your Bathroom into a Soothing Oasis

Heyyyyyy there, my friends! Arastasia, aka Artsy Airy, here to take you on a journey of transforming your bathroom into a luxurious retreat. Are you tired of the same old shower experience, leaving you feeling more stressed than refreshed? Well, buckle up, because I’m about to show you how a rainfall shower can transport you to a serene spa-like sanctuary in the comfort of your own home.

Embrace the Cozy Charm of Small Spaces

You know how it is with small bathrooms – they can feel cramped and claustrophobic. But fear not, my fellow renovation warriors! My boyfriend and I tackled this challenge head-on when we transformed our tiny bathroom into a cozy haven. We decided to go all-in with a deep, rich shade of green that instantly wrapped us in a sense of comfort and intimacy.

I’m talking about Behr’s Dark Everglade – a color that’s so deliciously moody, it’s like wrapping yourself in a warm hug. And you know what they say, “Go big or go home!” So, we didn’t just stop at the walls; we took it a step further and painted the ceiling the same luscious hue. Suddenly, our once-cramped bathroom felt like a seamless, cocoon-like retreat.

Indulge in the Luxury of Rainfall

Now, if there’s one thing we’ve always dreamed of, it’s having one of those fancy rainfall showerheads you find in high-end hotels. You know, the kind that makes you feel like you’re standing under a gentle summer storm, instead of just your average Tuesday morning rinse. After much debate, we found the perfect match – a rainfall showerhead with a handy-dandy wand for added convenience.

Let me tell you, stepping into that shower is like being pampered in a spa. The water cascades over you, enveloping your body in a soothing embrace. And the hand-held wand? A total game-changer for washing your hair and shaving your legs. It’s the little luxuries that make all the difference, am I right?

Add a Touch of Glamour with Metallic Accents

To take our bathroom transformation to the next level, we decided to spruce things up with a touch of metallic glamour. Using a trusty can of gold spray paint, we transformed the mirror, light fixtures, and hardware into a stunning, high-end finish. The warm tones of the gold provide a beautiful contrast against the moody green, adding a chic and sophisticated vibe to the overall design.

I’ve always said, “With a glue gun and some spray paint, you can conquer the world!” (Or at least your DIY projects.) And let me tell you, this little makeover was a total game-changer. Suddenly, our once-boring bathroom looked like it belonged in the pages of a high-end design magazine.

Elevate the Senses with Nature’s Gifts

But we didn’t stop there, my friends. We wanted to make sure our bathroom transformation was an experience for all the senses. So, we headed to Trader Joe’s and picked up some fresh eucalyptus and humidity-loving plants to complete the spa-like ambiance.

The eucalyptus, when hung from the rainfall showerhead, not only looks stunning but also fills the air with a soothing, invigorating scent. It’s like having a mini-spa right in your own home. And the bonus? Eucalyptus is known for its sinus-relieving properties, perfect for those days when you’re feeling a little stuffy (or allergic to your beloved furry friends).

Embrace the Power of Transformation

And there you have it, my friends – our tiny bathroom transformation journey. With a little creativity, some fantastic products, and a whole lot of love, we turned our cramped space into a cozy, spa-like haven. Remember, it’s not about the size of the space, but the attention and care you put into making it your own personal oasis.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to embark on your own bathroom makeover adventure. Whether you’re dreaming of a rainfall shower or a lush, green retreat, the possibilities are endless. Just remember to have fun, get a little creative, and don’t be afraid to embrace the power of transformation.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to soak in my luxurious rainfall shower and breathe in the soothing scent of eucalyptus. Until next time, my friends!

With love and kindness,
Your artsy friend that is rooting for you,
Arastasia, aka Artsy Airy


[1] Arastasia. (n.d.). Green Bathroom Transformation.

[2] Dornbracht. (n.d.). New Rain Showers.

[3] Apartment Therapy. (n.d.). Rain Shower Head.

[4] Reddit. (2021). Rain Shower Head – Worth the Hype?.

[5] Nordonia Hills News. (n.d.). Rain Shower Head Pros and Cons. Nordonia Hills News.

[6] Cascada Showers. (2023). Transform Your Daily Shower Experience with the Cascada Assisi 10 Thermostatic Digital Display Shower System.

[7] Gaines, J. (2024). Rain Showers: Everything You Need to Know When Updating Your Bathroom. My Georgia Plumber.

[8] Better Homes & Gardens. (n.d.). Rain Showerhead Considerations.