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As a busy mom, I’m always on the lookout for ways to streamline my household chores and save time. And let’s be honest, the bathroom is one of those spaces that can quickly become a nightmare to clean, especially with all the water, humidity, and grime it faces daily. But fear not, my friends! I’ve gathered some of my top bathroom cleaning hacks to help you tackle this task with ease and get your porcelain throne sparkling without breaking a sweat.

Tackle Condensation and Mold Before They Take Over

Without a doubt, this bathroom cleaning hack is at the top of my list. You see, our bathrooms take a real beating. Long, hot showers, relaxing soaks in the tub – it’s water, water everywhere! All that moisture-laden air can wreak havoc if you don’t keep it in check.

When the humid air in your bathroom condenses on cold surfaces, it creates the perfect breeding ground for mold. And mold, well, that’s just an unwelcome guest that nobody wants to deal with. Not only is it unsightly, but it can also be a real health hazard, aggravating skin and respiratory conditions.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “But Erin, I don’t have time to be constantly wiping down every surface!” – and you’re right. That’s why prevention is key. [1] The simple act of opening a window while you’re showering or bathing can make a world of difference. Sure, in the winter, I might only crack it a bit at first, but I always make sure to open it fully once I’m done. And don’t forget to close the door so that moist air doesn’t escape and spread throughout the house.

If you’re lucky enough to have a bathroom exhaust fan, now’s the time to put it to good use. [1] The Home Ventilation Institution recommends running it for at least 20-30 minutes after each shower to ensure those moisture levels are reduced. And when it comes to sizing, they have a handy guide to help you figure out what you need based on the size of your bathroom.

Quick Wipe-Downs Make a Big Difference

When you’re rushing to get the kids to school or make it to that gym class on time, the last thing on your mind is cleaning the bathroom. But trust me, taking just a few moments to do a quick wipe-down can save you a lot of time and effort in the long run.

After your shower, grab a squeegee and remove all that excess water. [2] Or, if you’re feeling generous, make it the responsibility of the last person in the bathroom to do the deed. That’s one way to get those teens up and moving! Then, be sure to dry off the shower head and taps with a microfiber cloth. [2] And don’t forget to remove any damp towels from the floor and hang them up to dry or toss them in the wash to keep that fresh, clean scent.

These little tricks may seem like a hassle in the moment, but they’re going to pay off big time by preventing the buildup of condensation, mold, and limescale. Trust me, your future self will thank you.

Embrace the Power of the Toothbrush

One of my go-to cleaning tools in the bathroom is something you probably already have in your arsenal – a toothbrush. [3] Yep, that’s right! It might be one of the cheapest cleaning tools in my bathroom, but I wouldn’t be without it.

Now, I should mention a quick word of warning – for those of you who are still rocking the manual toothbrush, make sure to choose one in a bright, funky color so it stands out from the rest. And whatever you do, don’t store it in your regular toothbrush holder. We don’t want any cross-contamination, now, do we?

This little cleaning dynamo is the perfect size to get into all those nooks and crannies in the bathroom. [3] I use it to scrub away limescale on my shower hose and faucets, clean the gunk off the water seal strip on my shower screen, and tackle that stubborn tile grout. It’s a small but mighty tool that can make a big difference in the sparkling cleanliness of your bathroom.

Microfiber Cloths Are a Game-Changer

The bathroom is one of those rooms in the house that just loves to put up a fight when it comes to achieving a streak-free shine. Faucets, showerheads, mirrors, and glass surfaces – there’s a lot of ground to cover. But fear not, my friends, microfiber cloths are here to save the day. [4]

These highly absorbent wonders are perfect for cleaning windows, mirrors, and chrome fixtures, leaving behind a sparkling, spotless finish. [4] And the best part? You don’t even need to use any cleaning products – just a little water will do the trick. Plus, unlike those pesky paper towels, microfiber cloths can be washed and reused, making them a more sustainable and cost-effective option.

I also love using a microfiber cloth to give my chrome towel warmer a quick once-over. It’s super quick and easy, and I can get that shiny, streak-free look without any hassle.

Natural Solutions for Mold Removal

Since we’ve already discussed the importance of tackling condensation and mold, it only makes sense to include my favorite natural hacks for getting rid of that unwanted growth.

First up, the classic dish soap and warm water combo. [5] Simply mix the detergent and warm water, then apply it with a scrubbing brush. Let it sit for a bit, give it a good scrub, and then rinse and dry with a microfiber cloth.

Baking soda and water is another winning combination. [5] Dilute the baking soda with water and apply the paste-like mixture to the affected area. Let it sit for a few minutes before giving it a good scrub and rinsing.

And for those really stubborn spots, try this:
1. Spray white vinegar directly onto the mold and let it sit for an hour. [5]
2. Then, rinse with water and dry with a microfiber cloth.
3. If the mold is still hanging on, mix two parts baking soda, one part white vinegar, and one part water into a thick paste. [5]
4. Spread the paste over the mold, let it dry, and then scrub and rinse.

These natural solutions are not only effective, but they’re also way kinder to the environment than those harsh chemical cleaners. Win-win!

Streamline Your Cleaning Routine

As a busy mom, I’m always on the hunt for ways to streamline my cleaning routine and save time. One of the best ways to do this is to create a weekly cleaning schedule and break tasks down into manageable chunks. [4] This helps prevent that overwhelming feeling of having a huge cleaning session looming over you.

I also love the “clean as you go” mentality. [4] Tackling spills and messes right away means you won’t have to deal with a big buildup later on. And speaking of buildup, embracing the decluttering mindset can work wonders for keeping your bathroom tidy and easy to clean. [4]

Another time-saving tip? Invest in multipurpose cleaning solutions and tools. [5] All-purpose cleaners and microfiber cloths are your best friends when it comes to simplifying your cleaning arsenal. And don’t forget about those smart cleaning gadgets, like robotic vacuums and steam mops – they can automate some of the more tedious tasks and let you focus on other priorities. [7]

Celebrate Your Cleaning Victories

Last but not least, don’t forget to celebrate your cleaning accomplishments along the way! [4] Whether it’s treating yourself to a favorite dessert, indulging in a relaxing bubble bath, or rewarding the family with a trip to the local ice cream shop, taking the time to acknowledge your hard work can help keep you motivated and inspired.

And let’s be honest, when you’ve got a new baby or you’re in the thick of spring sports season, sometimes a “perfect” clean just isn’t in the cards. [4] Give yourself permission to focus on the areas that need the most attention and let the rest go for now. Remember, a little bit of cleaning effort each week can go a long way in the long run.

So there you have it, my friends – a collection of my top bathroom cleaning hacks to save you time and effort. By incorporating these strategies into your routine, you can say goodbye to the stress and overwhelm of keeping your bathroom sparkling clean. Happy cleaning!


[1] Knowledge from
[2] Knowledge from
[3] Knowledge from
[4] Knowledge from
[5] Knowledge from
[6] Knowledge from
[7] Knowledge from
[8] Knowledge from

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