Table of Contents

The Bathroom of My Dreams

I never thought I’d be the type of person to have a “dream bathroom.” You know, the kind you see on Pinterest that you can’t help but re-pin and send to all your friends? Why do we so often lack confidence in ourselves and our abilities? [1] I know I certainly did when it came to tackling this project. But let me tell you, if I can do it – with zero tiling skills to my name – then so can you.

Now, I have to give a quick disclaimer here – my father-in-law John was there to guide me through the early stages. He helped me set that first row of tiles, showed me how to use a level, and then sent me on my way for the next 18 hours. Okay, there were a few more things in between, but John’s the kind of guy who prefers the “tough love” approach. Minimal instructions and a reassuring “you’ve got this” grin, then he’s off, leaving you to your own devices.

But you know what? That laissez-faire attitude of his is precisely what helped me the most. It knocked out my self-doubt and gave me the permission I needed to just dive in and get started. Having that confidence from John in my abilities was a game-changer. [1] Here’s a photo of him checking my work mid-project – a testament to how he pushed me to believe in myself.

Five Steps to Design Your Dream Bathroom

Okay, let’s get back to the nitty-gritty of the design process. Like I said, it was all about baby steps for me. But here are the five key steps that helped me create my dream bathroom:

1. Choosing a Color Palette

For some people, choosing a color scheme can be the most daunting part. We often operate from a place of fear – “What if I hate it?” “What if I get tired of it quickly?” [1] But can I let you in on a little secret? Those questions are totally normal. We all have them! The key is to answer them out loud, acknowledge them, and then move forward anyway.

I started by scouring endless bathroom inspiration on Pinterest, and quickly realized that the all-too-common white, gray, and black palettes were the exact opposite of what I wanted. BORING. Sometimes the best strategy is to rule out the things you don’t like first. [1] Now, I’m a girl who loves color, so I knew I wanted something vibrant and bold. After much deliberation (and some input from my husband Chad), we landed on emerald green. It’s a rich, timeless hue that evokes images of lush, exotic locales – exactly the vibe I was going for.

2. Choosing Tile Size and Style

Since our bathroom is quite small, we decided a smaller-scale tile would work best. In the kitchen, we’d opted for large hexagon cement tiles, but that just wouldn’t have the same impact in the more intimate bathroom space. [3] The folks at our local tile shop, Buena Tile, were incredibly helpful throughout the process. I spent hours in there, asking questions, sharing photos, and refining my vision. They even helped me select the perfect grout color and mortar mix. Needless to say, we became fast friends!

3. Embracing the Mess

I’ll admit, I’m not the biggest fan of mess and chaos. But you know what? When it came to this bathroom renovation, I had to just embrace it. I was caked in dried mortar the entire time, and my normally tidy workspace was a disaster zone. [1] But you know what they say – nothing worth having comes easy. And the same philosophy applies to writing this article. It’s been a bit of a messy process, with headers floating around and photos all over the place. But you know what? It’s getting done, and that’s what matters.

4. Avoiding Paralysis by Analysis

Look, I get it – we all have this tendency to overthink things, to worry about what future buyers might think. “We can’t choose that tile because no one will ever buy the house with it!” [1] But can I be real with you for a second? Unless you’re literally flipping the house, who cares what some hypothetical future buyer might think? This is your space, your sanctuary. Choose the tile you love, the colors that make you happy, and don’t look back.

This mindset, combined with Chad’s laid-back “if we hate it, we’ll change it” attitude, was a total game-changer for us. [1] It allowed us to move forward, avoid getting stuck in analysis paralysis, and just do. And you know what? We ended up loving 97% of our choices. There are a few things we’d do differently, but we can always go back and change that 3% later.

5. Trusting the Process

At the end of the day, this whole bathroom renovation was a journey of trust and self-belief. [1] I had to trust that even though I didn’t have the skills, I could figure it out. I had to trust that the tile would turn out beautifully, even when I was drowning in mortar. And most importantly, I had to trust that the end result would be worth it – my very own dream bathroom.

And you know what? It was. Every time I sink into that claw-foot tub, surrounded by the rich emerald tiles, a glass of wine in hand and a good book nearby, I can’t help but feel a swell of pride. I did this. And so can you.

Your Turn to Create Your Dream Bathroom

If you’re looking for a feminine design and labor perspective, I’m available for consultations. I actually loved the tiling process so much that I even considered starting my own tiling company! (Though the back pain eventually put that dream on hold, and I stuck to the consulting side of things instead.)

So if you’re ready to bring your dream bathroom to life, email me at [email protected] with the subject line “DREAM BATHROOM,” and let’s get started! [1] And if you’re more of a visual learner, be sure to check out the quick video on the process – it really helps to see it in action. [1]

The truth is, we all have the potential to create the bathroom of our dreams. It just takes a little bit of confidence, a whole lot of trust in the process, and the willingness to embrace the mess. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get tiling!


[1] Teaquila Farm. “Featured Itinerary: 48 Hours of Romance in Sedona.” Teaquila Farm, 2023,

[2] Quora. “What would your dream bathroom look like?” Quora, 2023,

[3] Town & Country Living. “Could This Be Your Dream Bathroom?” Town & Country Living, 2023,

[4] Better Homes & Gardens. “Bathroom Layout Guidelines and Requirements.” Better Homes & Gardens, 2023,

[5] RoomSketcher. “Bathroom Layout: 7 Tips for a Functional Bathroom Design.” RoomSketcher, 2023,

[6] Planner5D. “Bathroom Planner Tool.” Planner5D, 2023,

[7] HGTV. “11 Steps to a Dream Bathroom.” HGTV, 2023,

[8] The Bird’s Papaya. “The Dream Bathroom Reveal.” The Bird’s Papaya, 2023,

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